The seven chakras in the human body each play a unique role in our lives. The third eye chakra, the sixth energy center in the chakra system, plays a major role in spirituality and helps us see beyond the physical world we live in. When the third eye chakra is blocked or unbalanced, you may feel physical or emotional symptoms including headaches, vision problems, lack of intuition, and anxiety. Read on to learn to recognize the symptoms of a blocked third eye chakra, how to balance it, and the signs that it’s opening.
Jump to:
- What is the third eye chakra?
- What does the third eye chakra do?
- Third eye chakra and the pineal gland
- Third eye chakra location
- Third eye chakra color
- Third eye chakra symbol
- Symptoms of a blocked third eye chakra
- Emotional
- Physical
- Third eye opening symptoms
- Symptoms of an overactive third eye chakra
- How to open the third eye chakra
What is the third eye chakra?
The third eye chakra is the sixth of seven energy centers in the human body—located at the brow line between the eyes. Also called the “Ajna” chakra, the third eye chakra is associated with intuition, spiritual communication, and universal connection.
Being one of the three upper chakras, which each contribute to the relationship with your “higher self,” an open third eye chakra is sometimes likened to having a “sixth sense.”
The third eye chakra is associated with the element of light. When it is open and balanced, your third eye chakra can help cast light on who you really are and your inner wisdom and awareness.

What does the third eye chakra do?
The third eye chakra is the energy center that, when open, allows us to tap into the greater whole—the energy of the universe.
The third eye chakra allows us to imagine, perceive, connect, meditate, experience a spiritual awakening, and much more. With a closed or blocked Ajna chakra you may find you’re not in-tune with your intuition, your “psychic abilities” including empathy, or the meaningful bigger picture of life.

Third eye chakra and the pineal gland
Many cultures believe that the third eye chakra is associated with a tiny gland in the center of our brains called the pineal gland. The pineal gland was the last part of the endocrine system to be discovered and its biological use is still somewhat mysterious. (Other parts of the endocrine system include the pituitary gland, thyroid, ovaries, and testes.) However, in some cultures, including as far back as Ancient Egypt, the pineal gland is thought to be the source of our connection to the spiritual world.
Whether or not the pineal gland plays a role in the energy of the third eye chakra, that spiritual connection between each of us and the divine energy that flows through all things is attributed to our sixth chakra—the third eye.
Third eye chakra location
The third eye chakra is said to be located just above your brow line in the center of your head—not directly in the middle of the forehead.

Third eye chakra color
The ajna, or third eye chakra is associated with the color indigo. As the sixth of the seven main chakras, it is associated with the sixth color of the rainbow—indigo. Each of the other centers in the chakra system is also associated with its respective color of the rainbow:
Lower Chakras
Red – Root Chakra
Orange – Sacral Chakra
Yellow – Solar Plexus Chakra
Green – Heart Chakra
Upper Chakras (Spiritual Chakras)
Blue – Throat Chakra
Indigo – Third Eye Chakra
Violet (or white) – Crown Chakra

Third eye chakra symbol
The symbol of the third eye chakra is two lotus flower pedals, a downward-facing triangle, and the “Om” or seed mantra in the middle.
This symbol is often depicted in indigo to reflect the color of the third eye chakra.

Symptoms of a blocked third eye chakra
A blocked third eye chakra can result in a variety of symptoms including both physical and emotional. If you commonly experience discomfort in your head or eyes, or if you feel disconnected from your intuition and higher self, it may be a sign that you need to balance your sixth chakra.
Keep in mind as you read these common symptoms that balancing your energy centers is not always enough to heal more serious issues. Never hesitate to seek out medical help when it’s necessary.
Emotional Symptoms

1. Foggy mind
An open third eye chakra allows for clarity and awareness. If you find your thoughts jumbled or your mind foggy, it could be a sign of an unbalanced third-eye chakra.

2. Indecisiveness
Feeling torn in two directions without real clarity and guidance from your higher self can be a symptom of an unbalanced sixth chakra.
3. Lack of strong intuition
If your connection to spirituality is cloudy thanks to a blocked third eye chakra, you may find your gut feelings aren’t as reliable they usually are.
(Related: 10 Things You’re Probably Doing That Cloud Your Intuition)
4. Anxiety
It can be stressful and scary to feel out of touch with the universe. This underlying fear can make it difficult to stay in the present moment, resulting in symptoms of anxiety.
How To Separate Your Intuition From Your Anxiety
5. Depression
Depression often comes in tow with feeling a lack of purpose and connection – two side effects of a blocked third eye chakra.
6. Lack of creativity
Creativity comes from an open flow of energy with the universe, source, God, or whatever you’d like to call that which is greater than us. If you’re experiencing a creative block or lack of imagination, it could be a symptom of a blocked third eye chakra.

7. Lack of clarity or focus
If your sixth energy center is blocked or unbalanced, you may find it difficult to find clarity or focus. Your egoic voice may be louder than your true voice – creating confusion in your mind.
8. Feeling of purposelessness
Purposelessness is a sure sign of a disconnect from spirit. Since a blocked third eye chakra means you’re not in touch with your inner guidance, you may feel a lack of purpose or fulfillment in your life.
11 Ways To Get Unstuck When You Feel Trapped In Life
9. Lack of forward-thinking
A blocked third eye chakra can make it feel difficult to “zoom out” and view your life with any perspective. This lack of perspective can make it difficult to engage in meaningful forward-thinking or planning for the future.

10. Narrow-mindedness
Again, when the voice of your higher self becomes quieter thanks to a blocked third eye chakra, the egoic mind becomes louder. This change in thinking may make it more difficult to see past your own opinions and to have an open mind.
11. Burnout
Burnout is the feeling of long-term overwhelm and lack of fulfillment. If your third eye chakra has been blocked for a long time and you’ve been upholding a life that’s inauthentic to your higher self, you may experience burnout as a sign that your sixth chakra is closed.

12. Memory issues
The fogginess that can come along with a closed third eye chakra can make it difficult for our brains to store memory the way we’re meant to.
13. Nightmares
Since the third eye is closely associated with the adrenal system – it’s no surprise that an imbalance may cause disruption in our sleep. Nightmares can be a sign that your third eye chakra is blocked or imbalanced.
Physical Symptoms

14. Headaches
A blocked third eye chakra can cause pressure or tension in your head, leading to headaches.

15. Sinus issues
Along with headaches, the pressure from a blocked third eye chakra can lead to sinus issues causing pressure between your eyebrows or even problems with your nose, throat, and ears.
16. Ear infections
If you continuously experience sinus issues thanks to a blocked third eye chakra, you may also find yourself suffering from chronic or repeated ear infections.
17. Poor vision
Although your third eye chakra is usually associated with your “inner eye” and psychic abilities, a blockage can result in issues with your physical eyes and vision as well.

18. Sleep issues
Sleep is often thought of as our daily re-set with our higher selves. When your inner vision is suffering thanks to a third eye chakra blockage, you may find yourself having sleep issues.
Third eye opening symptoms

1. Access to planes of higher consciousness
An open third eye chakra allows you to access the divine energy of the universe that connects all things. Opening your third eye may result in access to new information and consciousness.
2. A feeling that you’re bigger than your body
Being tapped in to your higher self with an open third eye chakra can give you the sense that “you” are not confined to your physical body. You may experience the sensation that “you” are as big as the universe.
3. A sense of clarity, peace and joy
The energy of the universe isn’t concerned with the things our egos worry about. Once you’re tapped into the greater consciousness, you may find that your usual fears and concerns fall away and you’re left with a new perspective on life. This may result in a sense of clarity, peace and joy.

4. Better sleep
A blocked third eye chakra interferes with your circadian rhythm—especially your sleep. Once you’ve balanced your sixth chakra, you may find that you start sleeping more easily and soundly.
5. Seeing light with your eyes closed
If you manage to unblock your third eye chakra during intentional meditation or visualization, you may experience a burst of light behind your closed eyes. This is a good indication that what you’re doing is working.

6. A build-up and/or release of tension between your eyes
Similar to seeing light during your meditation is the possibility of a physical sensation like a sudden pressure or release of pressure between your eyes. This usually signifies a shift in your internal energy and is a good sign you’re tapping into your third eye chakra.
7. Vivid Dreams
Vivid dreams can sometimes come from your higher self. Some dreams are part of psychic interactions. This type of profound dreaming is much more likely to happen when you have an open third eye chakra.
8. A renewed sense of purpose
Our sense of purpose in this lifetime is deeply associated with our relationship to spirit. Once you’ve renewed your connection to spirit, you may find that you remember what you’re passionate about and what brings you fulfillment. This is a very satisfying sign that you’ve unblocked your third eye chakra.

(Related: What It Means To Be Fulfilled And How To Find Fulfillment In 2023)
Symptoms of an overactive third eye chakra
An overactive or imbalanced third eye chakra can happen when your other chakras are not open and balanced to support your third-eye. Ideally, you need to have all seven parts of your chakra system active and working harmoniously in order to feel like your healthiest, most authentic self.
Here are some of the symptoms of an overactive Ajna chakra.
Feeling scattered or anxious
How to open the third eye chakra

Remember that for the best results and the most holistic sense of well-being, it’s important to open and balance all seven chakras. Meditation, yoga, breathwork, essential oils, and gemstones, are great tools to help balance your chakra system.
Here are some specific ideas to open your third eye chakra.
Meditation practices are an excellent way to balance all of your chakras, including your third eye chakra.
Once you’ve relaxed your mind and body, gently focus your attention to the space between your eyes. Try to breathe into that space. You can imagine a light filling the space if that helps. If you start to experience any of the symptoms listed above including seeing light, a release of tension, or a new sense of awareness come over you, you’ll know you’re on the right track.
You may even consider incorporating sound healing into your meditation practice by listening to sound bowls or ambient music.
Read More: Meditation 101 For Beginners (+3 Easy Techniques To Try!)

Practice Breathwork
Breathwork can be an excellent way to reset your body’s energy. One of the easiest breathing techniques that may help you unblock your chakras, including the sixth chakra, is the 4-7-8 technique.
The 4-7-8 breathing technique includes breathing in for 4 seconds, holding for 7 seconds, and releasing for 8 seconds. Then start the process again. At first, you’ll only want to do this about four times in a sitting and not more than twice a day. This gentle breathing technique can relieve stress and help to realign your chakras.
Practice Yoga Poses
Yoga can be a powerful spiritual practice if you want it to be. Different yoga asanas (poses) can be especially helpful for balancing specific energy centers in the body.
One of the simplest poses in yoga that is thought to be helpful in opening the third eye is Child’s Pose, also called Balanasana. To practice Child’s Pose, start on your knees, sink your hips back between your feet, stretch your arms out in front of you, and rest your forehead on the mat. Don’t forget to breathe!

Use Essential Oils
Essential oils are often thought to help open and balance our chakras. In particular, frankincense and lavender may help open the third eye chakra. You may want to add these oils to a diffuser or dilute the oil and apply a drop directly to your forehead.
Frankincense is thought to help relieve tension and anxiety in the mind. This state of relaxation may help to release the tension of your third eye and begin the process of re-opening your connection with your intuition.
Lavender may help soothe some of the physical symptoms of an unbalanced third eye chakra including headaches and sinus discomfort.

Keep Third Eye Chakra Stones
Since indigo is the color of the third eye chakra, it’s not surprising that the purple/blue stones seem to be the most powerful in balancing this energy center. Amethyst, lapis lazuli, and lolite are all thought to help balance the sixth chakra. Gemstones are an important part of many people’s spiritual practice. Different stones are thought to carry and channel different energy.
To use these stones, you may place a stone in the center of the forehead or between your eyes during meditation, you may opt to wear a stone in a piece of jewelry, or simply place the gemstone of your choosing somewhere in your home.
Amethyst is thought of as a highly spiritual stone that can soothe some of the physical discomforts that might interfere with our ability to open the third eye chakra. This beautiful stone can help ease headaches and allow for more peaceful sleep.

Lapis lazuli
Lapis lazuli is associated with both the throat chakra and the third eye chakra. It’s thought to be a stone that helps with communication – this can be true for communication between you and the spiritual realm as well between you and the people in your life.

Lolite is associated with both the third eye chakra and the crown chakra, your seventh chakra. It may help to balance your mood and help you stay centered about what truly matters to you, rather than getting swept up by your egoic mind.

Use The Third Eye Chakra Mantra
The third eye chakra is associated with the “Om” or seed mantra. Chanting this mantra can help improve your spiritual connection and balance your Ajna chakra.
Final Thoughts
If you’re on the path toward a spiritual awakening, opening your third eye chakra is a must. By doing so, you can increase your awareness, psychic abilities, intuition, and connection with the divine. Look out for these signs and symptoms of a blocked vs an open third eye, or Ajna chakra, to stay aligned with your higher self.
Read Next: 15 Symptoms Of A Blocked Crown Chakra & How To Open It
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