As human beings, our spiritual health is an inextricable part of our overall wellness. When our mental health or physical health is off, our spiritual health gets knocked off balance too. And vice versa. If part of your spiritual journey is taking care of your chakra system to ensure that energy flows freely and naturally in your body, this is for you. Here are 25 of the most powerful solar plexus chakra affirmations you can use to help open and balance your manipura chakra. I hope these affirmations help you to connect more deeply with your higher self!
Jump Straight to 25 Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations
What is the solar plexus chakra?
The solar plexus chakra is the third energy system in our bodies. Our chakra system is delicately interwoven with our health and well-being. The system consists of seven energy centers: the root chakra, the sacral chakra, the solar plexus chakra, the heart chakra, the throat chakra, the third eye chakra, and the crown chakra. The solar plexus chakra is located above the belly button and below the rib cage.
When open and balanced, the solar plexus chakra is associated with our inner power, willpower, and sense of identity. Also called the manipura chakra, its sanskrit name, the third chakra is associated with the color yellow and the element of fire. Both of these visual representations of the manipura chakra reflect the natural power, vibrancy, and vitality of this energy center.
Related: How To Open Your Solar Plexus Chakra & 17 Signs It’s Blocked

How do you know your solar plexus chakra is blocked or unbalanced?
Since the solar plexus chakra is the energy center related to your personal power and sense of self, you will likely notice some uncomfortable emotional symptoms when it is blocked. However, there are also physical symptoms associated with the blockage of any chakra.
Some emotional symptoms of a blocked solar plexus chakra include:

Low self-esteem
Control Issues
Victim Mentality
Lack of Direction
Some physical symptoms of a blocked solar chakra include:

Digestive issues
Stomach Ulcers
How to unblock the solar plexus chakra

Balancing the chakra system is a lifelong process for each of us. To unblock the solar plexus chakra, you can use spiritual tools like:
Yoga poses
Crystal work
Breath work
Chakra affirmations
Each of these tools can help return your sense of personal power and restore your body’s flow of energy. Chakra affirmations are a particularly useful and accessible tool to help you unblock your energy centers.
What are chakra affirmations?
Chakra affirmations are positive statements, used as a tool to create positive energy in the body.
The repetition of positive affirmations can help to open and balance each of our seven energy centers. As we are doing spiritual personal development, chakra affirmations are a powerful way to stay aligned with the intention of balancing your energy and respecting each chakra’s role in your well-being. Affirmations, when used often enough, can begin to rewire your subconscious mind to create deep lasting healing.
How to create powerful affirmations

I am about to offer you a list of affirmations that you may find helpful in your spiritual journey. However, this is a great opportunity to lean on the old adage, “give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime.”
If you’d like to create your own powerful chakra affirmations, you have everything you need already inside of you. Here’s how to write your own affirmations:
Your affirmations should be true
When we use statements as affirmations that we don’t believe to be true, our subconscious knows that we’re lying to ourselves. Try to use affirmations that are aspirational and positive, but that don’t feel untrue to you. For example, if you don’t have a million dollars in the bank, the affirmation “I am a millionaire,” is not a good choice. On the other hand, “I am getting closer every day to my goal of being financially comfortable,” might be a good affirmation.
Use affirmative language
Try not to use words like “don’t, won’t, can’t, never, less.” These are negative words that can interfere with the positive message of the affirmation.
Your affirmations should speak to your higher self
A good affirmation speaks to your inner being who is unconditional love and wisdom. Your affirmation should remind you of who you really are and what’s important to you. Try not to use affirmations that are too materialistic or ego-driven, the won’t be as powerful as your spirit-driven desires.
(Related: 30 Affirmations For Introverts With Self-Doubt)
How to use solar plexus chakra affirmations

Solar plexus chakra affirmations can be used to help open a blocked solar plexus chakra, to remind your body to keep energy flowing to the power source of your third chakra, and to banish negative thoughts associated with an unbalanced solar plexus chakra. If you’ve been experiencing digestive issues, low self-esteem, or a lack of purpose or identity, you may consider incorporating solar plexus affirmations in your daily life.
Solar plexus chakra affirmations, like any affirmations, are a powerful tool that can be used in many ways. Some possible ways to use solar plexus chakra affirmations are:
1. Use an affirmation as an intention to keep in mind throughout the day or during an activity
2. Read, write, or recite one or a few affirmations as part of your journaling practice every day
3. Keep your favorite affirmation on deck to say in your head when you feel triggered
4. Use an affirmation as a mantra during meditation
Solar plexus chakra affirmations
When you incorporate solar plexus affirmations into your daily routine, you will begin to notice signs that your manipura chakra is opening and you’re tapping into your authentic self. You may notice improvements in your digestive system, that you feel more control of your life, and like you have an improved sense of personal identity.
Here are 25 powerful solar plexus chakra affirmations
1. Energy flows freely through my body and makes me feel alive
2. I am becoming more like my true self every day
3. My inner fire is invincible
4. My natural state of being is powerful and vibrant

5. My sense of self is invincible
6. My inner strength is more powerful than I can even imagine
7. I am developing a deeper sense of purpose every day
8. I am worthy of respect
9. I am worthy of love
10. I am capable and worthy of achieving my dreams
11. The universe is conspiring to support me in pursuit of my purpose
12. My past mistakes don’t define me
13. I can overcome even difficult situations
14. I have the power to choose who I want to be

15. I am proud of who I am becoming
16. I’m becoming more strong, powerful, and confident every day
17. I trust the law of attraction to bring what I need into my life
18. My self esteem is improving every day
19. I will not compare myself to others – I am uniquely powerful

20. I am enough
21. I believe in myself
22. My purpose is becoming more clear to me every day
23. I trust myself to make good choices
24. I am proud of what makes me unique
25. I have endless energy to draw from in pursuit of my dreams
I hope these solar plexus chakra affirmations hope you to go deeper in your spiritual health. Remember that the best affirmation is one that strikes a chord with you. You don’t need to use all 30 of these affirmations, just pick your favorite one for now and come back when you need a little affirmation refresh.