Positive affirmations have the power to rewire your brain to offer you more self-love and compassion.
We often don’t realize how negative our self-talk can be. But once you start to pay attention, you’ll likely realize your brain beats up on you more than you know! (For a more detailed look at negative versus positive self-talk and how to effectively improve your self-talk, check out this article.)
What Are Positive Affirmations?
Positive affirmations are distinctly positive and encouraging statements that are designed to replace negative, unhelpful, and discouraging beliefs about oneself.
When you tune in to what your brain rattles on about all day, you may be surprised to hear how mean it can be to you, about you. Positive affirmations are designed to give you ready-to-use replacements for those unhelpful thoughts.
Do Positive Affirmations Work?
Positive affirmations can be an incredibly helpful tool to build confidence and create a happier, healthier life.
Our minds are more powerful than we give them credit for and what we think about all day is important. If you can rewire your brain to be more loving towards yourself, you will start to see positive manifestations reflected back to you in the external world. For a more detailed look at how the law of attraction works, click here!
How to Use Positive Affirmations
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to using positive affirmations. You can use positive affirmations throughout your day in whatever way feels most natural and beneficial to you.
Some people may choose one or a few affirmations that resonate with them deeply and use it as a mantra. A mantra is a phrase that you repeat to yourself and reflect on often. This approach allows the affirmation to sink in more and more deeply over time. You may even choose to write your mantra down and put it somewhere you’ll be reminded of it frequently.
Another approach is to notice when you have an unhelpful or negative thought creep up, and choose a positive affirmation in that moment to replace the thought with. Over time, this begins to train your brain to look for a more positive way to see things rather than jumping to a hurtful conclusion.
However you choose to use the following positive affirmations for women, remember it’s your practice which means your rules. It’s all about you!
101 POsitive Affirmations For Love, Confidence, Success and More

Use this list of positive affirmations for women as a starting place to change your self-talk and to become more confident in the radiant woman you are inside. In this list, you’ll find affirmations love, confidence, success and more.
Remember to be patient with yourself—it takes time to rewire years and years of negative self-beliefs! Here is a list of 101 useful positive affirmations for women that you can use to begin manifesting the life of your dreams and to rewire your mindset to improve your self-confidence.
- I am becoming more confident every day
- I am proud of what I have achieved in my life so far
- I am capable of creating a better life for myself
- I’m excited to see what lays ahead of me
- I’m excited to find out how capable I am
- My path is becoming clearer every day
- I am proud of how far I’ve come
- I look good/fit/healthy/put-together
- I’m proud of myself for trying
- I’m proud of my growth
- I have people who love me for who I am
- I’m glad to contribute what I can to the every situation
- I have something awesome to contribute to every conversation
- I deserve this
- I deserve to be here
- I deserve to be loved
- I deserve nice things
- I’m awesome
- I’m unique
- I’m smart
- I’m good enough
- I’m right where I should be
- I’m perfect even when I don’t feel like it
- I attract good things
- I am a magnet for positive things
- I am a magnet for opportunities
- I’m doing a great job
- I’m getting better at this
- I forgive myself
- I am enough
- I know many people who are grateful I exist
- I know many people who are proud of me
- I don’t have to be perfect to be worthy
- I know that who I am is beautiful
- I trust myself to make the right decisions
- I am open to good things happening for me
- I trust myself to notice good things when they come to me
- I will notice when I feel good
- Every feeling will pass – I will enjoy the good ones and release the bad ones
- Challenges are a great opportunity to learn and grow
- I’m grateful for opportunities to challenge myself
- I’m excited to discover how powerful I am
- The universe knows what I want
- The universe knows what I need
- The universe will help deliver what is meant for me
- I’m open to receiving gifts from the universe
- I believe the universe will bring me good things
- I believe I’m on the right path
- I will trust my intuition
- I’m grateful for my intuition
- Good things are coming to me that I can’t yet imagine
- I don’t need to know what’s coming to trust it will be good
- I know I deserve to be loved
- I deserve to discover how it feels to stay strong
- I deserve to find out how capable I am
- I am becoming a truer version of myself every day
- I am staying disciplined out of love for myself
- Discipline is an act of self-love
- I am proud of myself for staying disciplined in my intentions
- I am worthy of an amazing life
- I am growing every day
- I am stronger than any craving I have
- My cravings are not ME
- My thoughts are not ME
- Healthy living is getting easier every day
- My body knows how to be healthy and I will allow my body to do its job
- I am safe in my body
- My body serves me well
- I’m grateful for the senses I experience with my body
- My body is stronger than I know
- I trust my body to heal itself in its own time
- I trust my mind to heal itself in my own time
- My mind is malleable and can change with practice
- I can change my beliefs with practice
- I am not stuck with a mindset that doesn’t serve me
- I am improving my mindset every day
- I’m grateful for the ability to rewire my brain
- I’m grateful for brain’s attempt to protect me with my current mindset
- I can choose to let go of thoughts that don’t serve me
- I can choose how I feel
- I trust myself to adopt new beliefs
- I will judge myself on my best qualities
- I will forgive myself for not being perfect
- I will allow myself to try new things
- I will allow myself to enjoy this moment
- I will stay present
- I am in control of my own life
- I am powerful
- I will find things to be grateful for today
- I am worthy of kind words
- I am worthy of kindness
- I am worthy of good things
- I am worthy of feeling good about myself
- I have nothing to prove to anyone
- I will make choices that make me proud
- I will not use energy on things I can’t change
- Yesterday is gone, tomorrow doesn’t exist yet, I can only change today
- My life is purposeful
- I love discovering my purpose
- I release what doesn’t serve me to make space for what does
- I will live like the woman I know I’m becoming
Remember, you deserve to say nice things to yourself! Practice makes perfect so let’s keep practicing our affirmations and positive self-talk until it becomes second nature.