The full moon has long been associated with magic, mystery, and manifestation. In ancient times, people recognized the power of astrology and celebrated each of the different moon phases. A full moon night, when the moon is at its brightest and most luminous, is a powerful time for rituals, intention setting, and connecting with your true self. The full moon provides a great monthly opportunity for personal growth, new beginnings, and positive change. Whether you’re new to spiritual practices or have been intentionally manifesting for years, you can improve your practice by learning to work with the power of the full moon to set intentions and welcome abundance into your life.
Jump To:
- How does a full moon affect you?
- What is a full moon ritual?
- Full moon ritual mistakes
- Preparing for manifestation
- Full moon manifestation ritual
- Other ways to harness the full moon’s power
- Final thoughts
How Does a Full Moon Affect You?
The moon’s gravitational pull affects the tides and rhythms of nature, but it can also impact our bodies and emotions. Many people report feeling more energized, emotional, or restless during a full moon. In spirituality, we often talk about the lunar energy and solar energy as two balancing forces – the moon being our mental, intuitive side and the sun being our physical life force.
Some believe the full moon’s energy can magnify both positive and negative energies within us. This personal illumination that happens during a full moon makes it a great time for self-reflection, release, and renewal. By working with the energy of the full moon, we can becomes very aware of our true natures and let go of what no longer serves us. This practice makes space for new ideas, new projects, and new intentions.
What Is a Full Moon Ritual?
A full moon ritual is a sacred practice designed to harness the power of the full moon in your personal life. These rituals can take many forms, from simple meditation to elaborate ceremonies. The key is to set aside dedicated time to connect with the moon’s energy and your conscious mind. The moon is associated with soft, feminine energy including intuition, introspection, the subconscious, and hidden meanings. A full moon ritual is designed to tap into this ethereal energy and use it to let go of things that aren’t serving you, gain clarity on the bigger picture of the universe, and manifest a fulfilling life.
Full moon rituals are often used for:
- Releasing what no longer serves you (negative energy, habits, etc.)
- Manifesting desires and intentions
- Gaining clarity and insights
- Charging objects with lunar energy
- Celebrating new beginnings and fresh starts

Full Moon Ritual Mistakes
While full moon rituals can be one of the best ways to clarify your intentions and become imbued with a sense of magic and power, there are a few common mistakes to avoid. Each full moon offers us a fresh start and a new perspective. Even the most effective full moon ritual on the planet isn’t a substitute for the internal and external work that goes into maintaining a happy life during the other 29(ish) days of the month. Here are a few of the most common mistakes people make during full moon rituals.
- Not being clear about your intentions
- Focusing too much on the ritual itself rather than your inner work
- Doing the ritual in a rushed or distracted state
- Forgetting to take action towards your goals after the ritual
To get the most out of your full moon ritual, approach it with an open mind, clear intentions, and a commitment to follow through.
Preparing for Manifestation
Manifestation is all about watching your internal intentions bloom in your physical world. It’s easiest for your external world to match the beautiful inner world you create when you take a few steps to prepare. Before your full moon manifestation ritual, take some time to prepare your space, your state of mind, and your intentions. This helps you get into the right mindset and create a sacred space for your practice.
Here are some tips for preparing:
Prepare your ritual area
Tidy and clean your ritual area to remove any negative energy. You may consider smudging your space with sage or desert rose. It is easier to invite new, pure positive energy into a sacred space that is not already tainted by other emotions.
Gather any tools you’ll use
If you plan to light candles, or use essential oils, crystals, meditation bowls, a journal etc in your ritual, make sure you have those tools on hand.
Write down your intentions on a piece of paper
You can start building momentum toward your ritual before it even begins by getting clear on your intentions and what you hope to gain from the coming full moon. Try writing your intentions on a piece of paper ahead of time so that when it’s time for your manifestation ritual, you are ready to begin immediately and have already begun imbuing the coming ritual with positive momentum.
Center yourself
Take a calming bath or meditate before your full moon ritual to cleanse your own energy from the day. This is a perfect time to connect with your higher self and get into a comfy, peaceful state of mind. You will get the most out of your manifestation ritual if your chakras are aligned and you’re feeling open and ready to receive enlightenment through the power of the moon.
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Start paying attention to the lunar cycle a few days before the full moon
Our minds and bodies are in sync with the natural world around us whether we notice it or not. But when we intentionally notice the changes in weather, light, sunrise, moonrise, etc, it’s easy to begin feeling the powerful magic of nature and our connection to it all. If you’re planning a manifestation ritual for the next full moon, this is a good time to start paying attention to the lunar calendar and noticing the way your body and mind feel leading up to the full moon.
By preparing mindfully, you’ll be ready to make the most of the powerful time of the full moon.

Full Moon Manifestation Ritual
There’s no single way to perform a full moon manifestation ritual. You can follow a traditional practice or create your own unique ritual. The most important thing is that it resonates with you and makes you feel empowered by the full moon’s energy. Feel free to modify this practice to harness the full moon energy in any way that feels most authentic to you!
Here is one example of a full moon ritual for manifestation:
Create your sacred space
You may consider lighting candles (white or silver work well since they complement the moonlight), playing calming instrumental music, and burning your favorite essential oils or incense. You can also make the space feel cozy and safe by adding your favorite blanket and having a hot cup of tea.
Leave distractions far away
Your phone, computer, other technology, worries, responsibilities, etc, are not invited into your ritual space. When you enter your space, you can even say out loud, “I leave everything but an open heart at the door.”
Open your practice with a prayer
I like to start my moon manifestation ritual with the prayer, “I open my heart and soul to the power and guidance offered by the radiant full moon.” You can use a modified version of this prayer or any other words that help you feel connected to the magic of the moon.
Spend a few minutes in meditation
Visualize your goals and desires and imagine that a luminous moonlit path is laid out in front of you, ready for you to walk straight towards everything you desire.
Read More: Meditation 101 For Beginners (+3 Easy Techniques To Try!)
Bathe yourself in the light of the full moon
If going outside to do this isn’t an option, sit next to an open window. Try to extinguish other bright lights so that you can really tap into the frequency of the light the moon itself is emitting.
Write down your intentions for the new cycle on a piece of paper
Be as specific as possible. You may also want to write a separate list of things you’re leaving behind. This helps draw a clear line in the sand so that for the next few weeks, you know exactly what intentions to fall back on.
Read your intentions aloud
This will help activate the power of your intentions through the use of your voice and the clearing of your throat chakra.
Visualize your dreams as if they’ve already manifested while gazing at the full moon
***This is the most important step! It’s essential that you let your mind wander and daydream about what it would look like, feel like, taste like, be like to already have whatever you’re manifesting***
Give thanks to the moon and release your intentions
I like to close my practice with the prayer, “Thank you to the moon for illuminating my path to receive unknowable blessings in the coming days.”
Visualize the energy of your desires co-mingling with the light of the moon
Imagine that your desires float up to the moon and then sprinkle back down on your head in its light in a never-ending give and take of energy.
Leave your paper intentions on a window sill overnight
The full moon has the power to imbue things with its energy and by leaving your intentions out to bathe in the full moon light overnight, you’re allowing the moon to keep working its magic with your manifestation even as you sleep.
Other Ways to Harness the Full Moon’s Power
A manifestation ritual is a great way to make the most of the full moon’s energy, but there are plenty of other practices you can try on the night of the full moon to tap into your spiritual side. Here are a few ideas of other ways you can commune with a full moon:
- Do a full moon meditation focused on gratitude, forgiveness, or luck
- Take a full moon bath with mineral salts and moon water (water charged by moonlight)
- Read tarot cards or your favorite spiritual texts by the light of the full moon
- Make a vision board for your goals and place it on a window sill overnight
- Try full moon circles where you gather with like-minded people under the moon
- Charge your favorite crystals, jewelry, or tools with the full moon’s energy
- Do some moon gazing while stating positive affirmations
- Start new projects or make bigger life changes (quit a job, end a relationship, etc.)
The options are endless! See what resonates with you and your intentions and enjoy the infinite power of the night sky.

Final Thoughts
Each full moon is a great chance to realign with your goals, let go of what’s holding you back, and welcome positive change. By tapping into the soft magic of lunar energy through rituals and spiritual practices, you can manifest your dreams and live to your fullest potential. Remember, the full moon is just one phase in the lunar cycle. You may also want to try new moon rituals for setting fresh intentions each new cycle. Or tune into the potent times of the lunar eclipse or blue moon. The journey of manifestation is deeply personal, so create rituals that inspire and empower you. Little by little, you can harness the power of the moon to manifest a life you truly love.