
The 10 Most Healing Books To Read On Your Spiritual Journey

woman reading a healing book for spiritual growth

No matter where you are on your spiritual journey or path to healing, there is no resource more valuable than the hard-won insight of our fellow human beings. Spiritual growth is an ongoing process and it can be an emotional one! There is no reason to brave the whole process alone. The books on this list were written by smart, loving, spiritual people and their words helped me brave some of my darkest days. I hope they can do the same for you!

This list is designed to be a practical guide to the best books you can read to kickstart your spiritual awakening, begin radical acceptance of who you are, and heal from the inside out. From ancient wisdom to modern neuroscience, these books offer diverse perspectives and approaches to personal growth and healing. Whether you’re seeking inner peace, looking to overcome personal challenges, or simply curious about expanding your spiritual horizons, you’ll find valuable insights and practical techniques within these pages and the authors’ own spiritual journeys.

PS this article contains affiliate links to the books I love – if you choose to use them, I may receive a small commission. Thanks for supporting this blog!

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10 most healing books for spirituality

The Power of Now

by Eckhart Tolle

This is the #1 book I would recommend to anyone beginning their spiritual journey and looking for a beginning foothold. Eckhart Tolle’s seminal work, “The Power of Now,” is often considered one of the best spiritual books of our time. This book emphasizes the importance of living in the present moment as a key to spiritual awakening. Tolle’s teachings help readers break free from negative thoughts and find peace in the midst of life’s modern challenges. With its focus on mindfulness and consciousness, “The Power of Now” serves as an excellent starting point for those new to spirituality or seeking a deeper understanding of their spiritual path.

If you love this book, you can go on to read Tolle’s other very popular work, A New Earth. I wouldn’t recommend starting here but it’s a powerful follow-on to The Power of Now whenever you’re ready!

The Power of Now on Amazon

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

Think Like a Monk

by Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty’s “Think Like a Monk” is a powerful book that bridges the gap between ancient wisdom and modern life. Drawing from his experiences as a monk, Shetty offers practical advice on how to reduce stress, improve focus, and cultivate inner peace. This spiritual self-help book is filled with meditation techniques and simple steps that can be applied to everyday life. Jay Shetty, even with his expertise, comes across as so humble and relatable. This is an amazing book to start with if you are interested in dipping your toe into spirituality, but you’ve found other approaches overwhelming.

Think Like a Monk on Amazon

Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty


by Glennon Doyle

“Untamed” is a raw and honest exploration of self-discovery and liberation. Doyle’s memoir is a great read for those on a path of healing, as it encourages us to question societal expectations and embrace our authentic selves. Through personal stories and powerful insights, this book guides readers towards radical acceptance and finding their own spiritual direction. It’s particularly valuable for those experiencing a dark night of the soul, offering hope and inspiration to push through challenging times. If you feel a little lost on your spiritual journey, or kind of guilty for exploring your own path, this book is for you.

Untamed on Amazon

Untamed by Glennon Doyle

The SEven Spiritual Laws of Success

by Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra’s “7 Spiritual Laws of Success” is one of my all-time favorite books to come back to again and again. This pocketbook guide offers a unique blend of spiritual perspectives and practical advice for achieving success in all areas of life. The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success is an influential spiritual healing book that presents ancient wisdom in a modern context, making it accessible to readers from different religions and backgrounds. Chopra’s laws provide a framework for aligning with the universe’s energy and manifesting desires, making it a valuable resource for those looking to integrate spirituality into their daily lives and career pursuits. If you want practical tips to start implementing spiritual wellness in your daily life, start here.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success on Amazon

Read More: The 7 Spiritual Laws Of Success And How To Use Them On Your Journey

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra

Ask and It Is Given

by Esther and Jerry Hicks

“Ask and It Is Given” is a foundational text in the Law of Attraction movement. If you have any interest in learning how to attract what you want with your energetic frequency (aka thoughts and feelings), this is the place to start! This book explores the power of the subconscious mind and how our thoughts shape our reality. The Hicks present 22 powerful processes to help readers manifest their desires and improve their lives. Esther Hicks claims to channel a Spirit guide, Abraham, who offers guidance form the spiritual dimension. While some may find the concept of channeling spirits controversial, I’ve come to love this unique approach to blurring the lines between the 3D and the 5D. Overall, the book’s practical exercises and positive philosophy have made it a favorite among those seeking to enhance their spiritual and material well-being.

Ask and it is Given on Amazon

Read More: 10 Weird Signs Your Manifestation Is Close + Signs It’s Not

Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks

Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself

by Dr. Joe Dispenza

Dr. Joe Dispenza’s “Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself,” in my opinion, is written for a little bit more advanced audience. This book is a fascinating deep dive into the intersection of neuroscience, quantum physics, and spirituality. This book provides readers with a scientific understanding of how thoughts and emotions affect our biology and how we can rewire our brains for positive change. Dispenza offers meditation techniques and practical exercises to help readers break free from limiting beliefs and create new, abundant realities. It’s an excellent choice for those who appreciate a blend of science and spirituality in their personal growth journey! This book will help you literally become a different person by changing your biology. Pretty magical stuff.

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself on Amazon

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza

Mindset (The New Psychology of Success)

by Carol Dweck

While not traditionally categorized as a spiritual book, Carol Dweck’s “Mindset” offers profound insights into personal growth and transformation. This book completely opened up new doors for me simply by changing the way I think about my potential for growth and learning. Dweck’s research on fixed versus growth mindsets has far-reaching implications for every facet of life including spiritual development. This book is particularly useful for those who struggle with self-doubt or fear of failure. If you read this book alongside some of the others on the list that are specifically geared toward spirituality, your growth potential is literally unlimited. You can create a whole new life for yourself.

Mindset (The New Psychology of Success) on Amazon

Read More: 5 Fixed Mindset Pitfalls Even Growth Mindset People Fall Into

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck

Daring Greatly

by Brené Brown

Brene Brown’s “Daring Greatly” is an absolute must read for all human beings, IMHO. It explores vulnerability as a pathway to courage, connection, and meaningful life experiences. While not explicitly spiritual, this book touches on many spiritual elements of experience, such as authenticity, compassion, and self-acceptance. Brown’s research and personal anecdotes from her own personal experience provide readers with tools to embrace vulnerability and cultivate resilience in the face of life’s challenges. Daring Greatly helped me improve my own mental health care and psychological well-being. This book is especially valuable for those working to overcome shame and cultivate deeper connections in their social environment.

Daring Greatly on Amazon

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

The 5 Second Rule

by Mel Robbins

Mel Robbins’ “The 5 Second Rule” presents a simple yet effective technique for overcoming procrastination and self-doubt. While not traditionally categorized as a spiritual book, its principles can be applied to spiritual growth and personal development. If you’re on any kind of personal development journey, this book can help improve your efficacy. The five-second rule can be a powerful tool for breaking through fear and taking action towards your goals, spiritual or otherwise. Robbins’ straightforward approach and use of case histories make this book accessible and motivating for readers at any stage of their spiritual journey. Along with Atomic Habits by James Cleary, this book is a game-changer for anyone who wants to become more self-disciplined and get more done.

The 5 Second Rule on Amazon

The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins

The Body Keeps The Score

by Bessel van der Kolk

“The Body Keeps The Score” is a groundbreaking work on trauma and its effects on the mind and body. While not primarily focused on spirituality, this book offers invaluable insights into the human experience of suffering and healing. Van der Kolk’s research and treatment strategies provide a holistic understanding of trauma, incorporating elements of mindfulness and body-centered therapies that align with many spiritual practices. Very few books have made me feel as “seen” as this one. This book is particularly relevant for those whose spiritual journey involves healing from past traumas or supporting others in their healing process. But in all honesty, I believe van der Kolk’s subject matter is relevant to all of us.

The Body Keeps the Score on Amazon

The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk

Final Thoughts

These ten books represent a diverse array of spiritual perspectives and practical approaches to personal growth and healing. This is the arsenal I would recommend to anyone who wants to create radical change in their lives!

During my own spiritual awakening, I read these among about 30 other books and these ten were by far my favorite. Of course, it’s important to remember that spirituality is a deeply personal experience, and what resonates with one person may not have the same impact on another. As you explore these books, try to approach them with an open mind and heart, allowing yourself to be a fellow traveler with the authors while trusting your own intuition and experiences.

In our fast-paced, goal-driven world, taking the time to nurture your spiritual self may be considered an off-beat act of self-care. Whether you’re drawn to the mindfulness teachings of Eckhart Tolle, the vulnerability research of Brené Brown, or the scientific approach of Dr. Joe Dispenza, there is something in these books to support every spiritual path. Remember, spiritual growth is not a destination but a lifelong journey. Be patient with yourself, celebrate small victories, and don’t be afraid to revisit these books as you evolve.

May these books serve as lanterns, illuminating your way as you navigate the beautiful, sometimes challenging, but always rewarding landscape of human spirituality. Happy reading, and may your journey bring you the peace, understanding, and fulfillment you seek.

The 10 Most Healing Books to Read for a Spiritual Awakening

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Hey, I'm Mary! My background is in Psychology and I'm a certified Health Coach and Meditation Teacher. I'm also a mental health advocate and believer in personal development as medicine. I write because I'm hopeful that my experiences and learnings as a human are helpful to you--wherever you are.

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