Teachings from thought leaders and spiritual guides can be an invaluable resource on our quest for personal growth and fulfillment. Thirty years ago, Deepak Chopra published a pocketbook guide to the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success that made profound spiritual concepts accessible in a new way. One of the laws he describes in this book, which has the potential to single-handedly change your life, is the law of intention and desire. This principle offers a framework for harnessing the power of our thoughts and intentions to manifest our desires in alignment with the cosmic plan.
In this article, we’ll explore the law of intention and desire, its place among the seven spiritual laws of success, and how you can apply it on your spiritual journey to transform your life. By understanding and implementing this law, you can tap into the field of pure potentiality and create positive change in your life and the world around you.
The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success
Before we dive into the specifics of the law of intention and desire, it’s important to understand its context within Deepak Chopra’s broader framework of the seven spiritual laws of success. Together, these laws provide a holistic approach to achieving success and fulfillment in the most natural way.
These are the seven laws:
- The Law of Pure Potentiality
- The Law of Giving and Receiving
- The Law of Karma (Cause and Effect)
- The Law of Least Effort
- The Law of Intention and Desire
- The Law of Detachment
- The Law of Dharma (Purpose in Life)
Each of these laws works in harmony with the others, creating a comprehensive system for personal and spiritual growth. The law of intention and desire, which we’ll focus on in this article, is a crucial component of this system that allows us to manifest our deepest desires and align with our higher purpose.
Read More: The 7 Spiritual Laws Of Success And How To Use Them On Your Journey

What is the Law of Intention and Desire?
The Law of Intention and Desire states that our intentions and desires carry within them the power to bring about their fulfillment. In other words, there is nothing that we can hope or wish for that we don’t have the power to receive. This law is based on the idea that the universe is not a random collection of events, but rather a conscious and responsive field of energy that reacts to our thoughts, intentions, and desires. Not to mention, thanks to the first law of spiritual success, the law of pure potentiality, the universe has infinite organizing power to bring about any imaginable reality.
According to the law of intention and desire, when we focus our attention on our desires and set clear intentions, we tap into the infinite organizing power of the universe. This connection allows us to access the fertile ground of pure potentiality, where all possibilities exist. By maintaining present-moment awareness and aligning our intentions with the greater good, we can harness this power to manifest our desires and contribute to the benefit of mankind. All with effortless ease (thanks to the law of least effort).
What’s the Difference Between Intention and Desire?
According to Chopra, “intention” is “desire” without attachment to the outcome. In other words, desire is what we know we want because we feel attached to having it, intention is the focused application of our attention on a specific version of the future without a feeling of desperation, impatience, longing, etc. attached to its achievement. While intention and desire are closely related, they have distinct roles in the manifestation process.
Desire: This is the initial spark of creation, the longing or yearning for something we want to experience or achieve. Desires arise from our deepest ideals and aspirations, serving as the fuel for our self-discovery and growth.
Intention: Intention is the focused application of our will and attention towards manifesting our desires. It’s the conscious decision to bring our desires into reality, coupled with the belief and expectation that it will happen. Intention transforms our desires from mere wishes into powerful catalysts for change.
In essence, desire provides the “what” while intention provides the “how” in the manifestation process. It’s worth noting that in terms of the law of intention and desire, another component, attention, is also very important. While desire is important for knowing what you want, and intention is important for staying aligned with it energetically, attention allows us to stay attuned to the present moment which is where all change is created. We are always actively creating our futures by way of what we’re attending to in the present moment. When we combine clear intentions with heartfelt desires and present-moment awareness, we create a potent force for transformation in our lives.

How to Put the Law of Intention and Desire to Use in Your Life
The law of intention and desire can be integrated into every part of your daily life. Along with the six other spiritual laws of success, it can help create a framework for how you approach every part of your life. When implemented correctly, this spiritual law can lead to inner peace and fulfillment of even your wildest dreams.
Clarify your desires
Reflect deeply on your true wants and desires and make sure they align with your values. Consider where the desire came from and whether it’s worthy of your time and attention. This clarity focuses your energy and aligns your intentions the greater forces at play, amplifying their power.
Set clear intentions
Now that you’re clear about what you want, set intentions to achieve it. Create specific goals that you can aim for and keep in mind as you move forward. Over time, your subconscious will begin to accept your vision of the future as reality. This focused approach provides a clear target for your energy and the universe’s response.
Cultivate present-moment awareness
Chopra reminds us in his book that while an intention is directed toward the future, your attention is in the present. Practice mindfulness throughout your day to stay present, keep your focus on the here and now, and align with the universe’s creative power. Thoughts about the past and future are stress-inducing and counterproductive. It’s only in the present moment that we can experience expansive joy and peace and open the way for our desires to flow into our realities.
Practice regular meditation to calm your mind and go into what Chopra calls “the gap.” When we release our intentions into the womb of creation and allow ourselves to become one with the cosmic forces, we allow the infinite organizing power of the universe to work for us. Meditation strengthens your connection to the field of pure potentiality and enhances your manifestation abilities.
Read More: Meditation 101 For Beginners (+3 Easy Techniques To Try!)
Release attachment
Consciously let go of specific outcomes while still maintaining trust in the process. Being too attached to the specific details of how things will play out creates stress and anxiety and disrupts the universe’s creative flow. Maintaining a sense of openness reduces resistance and allows for possibilities beyond your current imagination. Affirm your trust in the cosmic plan and practice letting go of control.
Take inspired action
Stay alert to intuitive nudges and synchronicities and be open to acting on inspiration. While the universe takes care of most of the heavy lifting for us, sometimes its organizing power only works with our own cooperation. This collaboration with the universe is part of the fun of being alive – the power of your intentions can create anything you desire.
Read More: How To Ask For And Receive Obvious Signs From The Universe
Final Thoughts
The law of intention and desire offers a powerful tool for personal growth and manifestation. By clarifying our desires, setting clear intentions, and aligning with the present moment, we tap into the field of pure potentiality and allow the universe to create on our behalf. This practice isn’t about forcing outcomes, but rather about co-creating with the universe.
Try to embrace the process with patience and trust. The law of intention and desire invites us to dream big while remaining open to the wisdom of the universe. As you continue on this path, you may discover that the real magic lies not just in achieving your desires, but in the transformation you undergo along the way. Living in alignment with the seven spiritual laws of success is a satisfying and fruitful endeavor no matter where you are on your spiritual journey.