The moon has always been an object of wonder for humans. Space nerds and modern witches alike agree, there’s something mystically wondrous about the moon. Thanks to the moon’s effect on the natural world, many people believe that the full moon phases hold spiritual energy that can amplify our desires and make positive changes in our lives. If you’re ready to change your luck, full moon rituals are a perfect way to harness otherworldly energy to support your journey towards good fortune.
Jump To:
- What is the spiritual meaning of a full moon?
- What is a full moon ritual?
- Can you manifest good luck?
- What to do on a full moon for good luck
- Final thoughts
What is the spiritual meaning of a full moon?
The full moon represents the culmination of a lunar cycle and is when the moon’s energy is at its peak. The full moon is associated with new beginnings, fresh starts, and the manifestation of deepest desires – making this moon phase a potent time for spiritual growth and personal growth. The full moon is also said to bring about good luck, so it’s a good time to stay open to the possibility of manifesting good fortune.
According to ancient wisdom, the full moon’s energy can amplify our intentions and help us connect with our inner self and spirit guides. It’s believed that during this lunar phase, emotions are amplified, making it easier for us to understand our inner worlds and bring everything to the surface. This clarity of our true selves, allows us to more easily release negative emotions and negative energy, making way for authentic, positive energy to flow into our lives.
Historically, before artificial light, people became more active at night during the full moon because of the illumination it provides. If you feel more energetic and compelled towards action during the full moon, don’t be surprised. The energy of the moon can be very inspiring.

What is a full moon ritual?
A full moon ritual is a ceremonial practice that harnesses the energy of the full moon for various purposes, such as attracting good luck, manifesting intentions, or facilitating spiritual growth.
A powerful ritual has the ability to bring untold fortune into your life.
Full moon rituals can range from very easy to very complex! Even simple intention setting or a full moon mediation can be great ways to connect with the full moon energy. The goal is to create a sacred space where you can connect with the moon’s energy and your higher self to amplify your inner magic and power.
(Related: How To Harness The Power Of The Full Moon For Manifestation)
Can you manifest good luck?
Just as you can manifest any material thing your heart desires, you can manifest good luck. The law of attraction states that energy attracts like energy. This means that as you experience good fortune in your life and practice gratitude for those blessings, the universe will respond by send more good fortune with the same vibration. If you believe you have bad luck, chances are you’re actually manifesting that bad luck! Just as you can attract positive things with a positive mindset and gratitude, you can attract negative things with a negative mindset and lack of appreciation.
You can manifest good luck anytime but the full moon is a particularly powerful time to do so because the lunar energy is helping to clarify your desires and amplify your intentions. The practice of setting full moon intentions and engaging in full moon rituals can be a great way to focus your conscious mind on your goals and aspirations. By aligning your thoughts and actions with the full moon’s energy, you can set yourself up for success by being more open and sensitive to blessings all month long.
(Related: How To Manifest Good Luck With The Law Of Attraction)

What to do on a full moon for good luck
If you’re ready to change your luck and invite beautiful things into your life, the night of the full moon is an excellent time to engage in rituals and practices that tap into the moon’s generous energy. Here are some ideas of the best ways to harness the full moon’s energy for good fortune.
Create a Sacred Space
Since this is your full moon ritual, it’s important that your ritual space feels personal to you. Find a place either outside under the light of the moon or near a window where you can set up pillows, blankets, candles, incense, crystals, and anything else that brings you comfort. The goal is to create a space where you feel comfy, safe, and connected to your authentic self. Just taking the time to create and bask in a space like this will help you align with your Higher Self, raise your vibrations, and attract luck into your life.
Light Candles
Lighting candles during the full moon can help amplify your intentions even further. Use a white candle for general good luck, a green candle for prosperity, or a silver candle for new projects. You can visualize that the light from the candle is a tiny piece of the moon to bring the energy of the moon into your own hands.
Full Moon Meditation
In the safe place you’ve created under the light of the full moon, breathe deeply and visualize your good luck and deepest desires manifesting. You can visualize that the moonlight is illuminating an obvious path for you to walk toward your desires. This path is your luck. Imagine that by following this path, you can’t fail. Everything you want is obviously laid out in front of you. At the end of your meditation, remember to thank the moon for lending its energy to providing you with good luck.
Read More: Meditation 101 For Beginners (+3 Easy Techniques To Try!)
Full Moon Bath
Water is a powerful way to ground our bodies with the Earth. As you are communing with the ethereal moon, consider drawing a relaxing bath. You will become optimally balanced between your earthly body, and your spiritual essence. Plus, since the moon can directly influence water, you will be sitting in moon water embued with lunar energy. You can add essential oils, palo santo, or flower petals. As you soak, visualize the moon’s energy cleansing your aura and attracting positive energy and good luck.
Set Intentions
Write your intentions for good luck and new beginnings on a piece of paper. What areas of your life are you hoping to become luckier in? What would that feel like? Place your intentions on a window sill under the light of the full moon to charge it with lunar energy overnight.
Full Moon Circle
Gather with friends or a spiritual group and form a full moon circle. Hold hands, breathe together, and bask in the collective energy field.
Shadow Work
The full moon is an ideal time for shadow work, exploring and releasing negative energy or bad luck from your life. During the full moon, you may feel your emotions more deeply. Use this intensity to clarify what negative feelings or thought patterns are holding you back from getting what you want and feeling lucky. You can journal about it if that’s helpful. Burn the habits you’re ready to let go of and leave the list of new, or better habits you want to embody under the moonlight to charge overnight. You can also burn bay leaves, sage, or palo santo to cleanse your energy field.
Simply spending time gazing at the full moon’s surface and appreciating its beauty can be a powerful symbolic act of release. The moon is perfectly suspended in space at a distance that allows us to see it and ogle at it, but not worry that it will come crashing into our planet. The moon is an incredible example of a delicate balance. Allow this marvel of the moon’s perfect energy wash over you and inspire you to feel grateful for the world we live in. Gratitude and wonder are excellent gateways to opening yourself up to new experiences and good fortune.

Final thoughts
The full moon has been revered for its spiritual energy and great influence for as long as humans have been roaming the earth. By engaging in full moon rituals and tapping into the lunar energy, you can harness this powerful time for manifesting good luck, new beginnings, and positive changes in your life. Ultimately, good luck will come when you align your thoughts, actions, and self-care rituals with your fullest potential and the rhythms of the natural world.