Whether you’re hoping to manifest a new car, a new job, or a new love life, you have the power inside of you to turn your dreams into a reality. Plus, if you pay close attention, you’ll find that the universe is guiding you toward the right path all the time by giving you weird signs about whether your manifestation is coming soon.
You can manifest anything you want by following five simple steps: visualize, embody, be grateful, take inspired action, and don’t obsess.
Let’s take a deeper look at the manifestation process and how to read the signs that tell you whether or not your manifestation is on its way.
Jump To:
- What is manifestation?
- How does manifestation work?
- What is the Law of Attraction?
- What can you manifest?
- Manifestation Examples
- How to manifest anything
- How to know if your manifestation is working
- Signs your manifestation is coming
- Signs your manifestation isn’t coming
- Final thoughts
Manifestation is the intentional process of turning thoughts into things.
Whether or not manifestation is real is a widely debated topic that first gained attention thanks to the book The Secret, by Rhonda Byrnes. Although there will always be critics who say there is no scientific proof that manifesting works, there is clear evidence that our thoughts shape our realities.
With a little practice, we could all be successfully manifesting love, money, health, abundance, confidence, friendships, and anything else our hearts desire. If thoughts shape reality, the first thought we need to practice for successful manifestation is that we do, in fact, have the power to change our lives with our minds.

Manifestation lies at the intersection of science and spirituality and uses the Law of Attraction to bring desirable outcomes into your life.
Manifesting isn’t magic, although it certainly can feel like magic when everything you’ve ever wanted starts effortlessly appearing in your life.
Scientifically, our ability to manifest is ascribed to something called neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity refers to our brain’s ability to physically change, adapt, and rewire depending on our thoughts and actions. You can think of manifestation as the deliberate use of your brain’s neuroplasticity to continually rewire your brain to lead you, step by step, all the way to the outcome you’re hoping for. Learning to manifest requires rewiring the subconscious limiting beliefs that have been creating your reality thus far.
Spiritually, manifesting is explained as a natural part of human beings’ energetic connection with the world around us. It is the result of tapping into your subconscious mind and utilizing the Law of Attraction to your advantage. Whether the Law of Attraction can be attributed to the divine intervention of a higher power, or whether it’s simply a fact of life, is up for you to decide.
How To Manifest Good Luck With The Law Of Attraction
What is the Law of Attraction?
The Law of Attraction is a universal law that states that energy attracts like energy.
Because everyone and everything is made up of energy and therefore has a unique vibration, this law extends to people, places, situations etc. You are constantly emitting a vibration that the world around you is responding to. Everything you see in your reality right now is there because you attracted it – or “invited it in” with your energy.
It is the Law of Attraction that explains how some people are just lucky and good things flow into their experiences easily. These people maintain an energetic frequency that invites similar positive energy into their experience in the form of friends, opportunities, material objects etc. On the flip side, the Law of Attraction is also responsible for the cliché “When it rains it pours.” When everything seems to be going wrong in life, it’s thanks to the fact that your lower frequency vibrations attract experiences that have the same vibe.
Other clichés that reflect the Law of Attraction are “Misery loves company,” “What you think, you become,” and “What goes around, comes around.”

You can manifest anything your heart desires. Actually, you can manifest anything, period.
In fact, it might be hard to hear, but you’ve been unconsciously manifesting your experience on this planet your whole life! The good news is, now that you’re learning about the process of manifestation, you can start creating consciously and turn your reality into a happier place full of high vibrations.
You can manifest love, friendships, success, opportunities, health, money, travel, a job, a car, your dream life. Anything!
The only caveat is that you can’t “manifest” an action or reaction from another person. You also can’t hurt else through your manifestation practice. You are only in control of your own feelings, reality, and experience. This can be a little hard to accept if you’re hoping to use your power to elicit love, friendship, forgiveness, etc from another person. If this is what you want most in your life, you can still use the power of manifestation, you’ll just have to focus on how you want to feel (ie. loved, peaceful, connected, etc.). You can attract a reality that feels that way even without eliciting an exact response from a specific person.
(Related: How To Harness The Power Of The Full Moon For Manifestation)
Manifestation is the universe’s way of giving you what you want. Sometimes that means the universe clears the way for new things, sometimes it’s an intuition to go somewhere or say something, and sometimes it’s a straight-up miracle. Here are ten examples of how the Law of Attraction might be helping you manifest.
1. Attracting new opportunities
2. Attracting new relationships
3. Attracting a new job
4. Being in the right place at the right time
5. Having a gut feeling or intuition about something
6. Divine timing
7. Having an influential dream or vision
8. Losing something that makes way for something better
9. Good luck
(Related: How To Manifest Good Luck With The Law Of Attraction)
10. Serendipity

The basic steps of manifestation are to visualize what you want, embody what it would feel like to have it, practice gratitude, take inspired action, and remain present.
You’ll find tons of different manifestation techniques on the internet that are overly complicated or shrouded in mystery. The fact is, your manifestation journey will be personal and unique to you. However, there is a basic outline of manifesting that you can follow to make sure you’re on the right track. And there are clear signs to look out for that will tell you whether or not it’s working.
The most important thing to remember while manifesting is that you can’t force it to happen. If at any point the process feels hard, overwhelming, stressful, frustrating etc, it’s time to take a step – these emotions are counterproductive to attracting positive things.
1. Visualize what you want
The first step in manifesting is to become extremely clear about what you want. What does it look, feel, taste, sound like? Create a mental experience as vivid as if you were experiencing the real thing and explore all the details of what it’s like in the version of reality where you have what you want. One helpful tool to use during this step is to create a vision board. Vision boards can help you to clarify your goals and dreams. You can use photos, drawings, stickers, words, paint, glitter, or anything that speaks to you to express a clear message to the universe about what you want.
2. Embody the feeling of having what you want
The second step to manifesting is to embody the feeling that you’ve already gotten the thing you desire. It may sound counterintuitive or even like an attempt to placate yourself, but this is possibly the most important and certainly one of the hardest steps to take.
Your visualization from step 1 will help you get very clear about what you want, whether it’s a material object, your dream job, or a loving relationship. This clear vision of your desire is the best way to put yourself in the mindset of having it in your reality. Try to imagine what your days would look like if you had it. What would you do when you wake up? What would you wear? How would you feel? How would you speak? For successful manifestation, the more specific you get, and the more you feel like you have what you want, the better.

3. Practice gratitude for what you have and what’s coming
Gratitude is an important part of manifesting. Gratitude is how you rewire your brain to focus on what you want more than what you don’t want. Maintaining an abundance mindset is an essential part of manifesting positivity. Where attention goes, energy flows. Maintain a positive mindset and you will find that the Law of Attraction continues to send you nothing but good vibes.
4. Take inspired action towards what you want
By this part of the process, you should already be living your life in a very high vibration. You know what you want, you’re embodying the person who already has it, and you’re feeling grateful and blessed. These positive changes and new mindset will allow your intuition to speak clearly.
This step is all about listening to your intuition to take inspired action towards what you want. This is not “grinding it out,” this is intentional creation. The important thing here is to make sure you don’t start working instead of manifesting. The ideas, thoughts, and impulses that come to you should feel fun and inspiring. You don’t necessarily have to understand how these actions will feed into your manifestation, you simply have to listen to your intuitive nudges and allow yourself to follow through. If you have a sense of excitement about taking action, it’s a great sign that you’re on the right path.
5. Stay present – don’t obsess
This is the step that you’re probably going to ignore and assume is just fluff. Trust me – don’t. This step is just as important as all the others and everything will fall apart without it. If you’re obsessing over the thing you’re trying to manifest, you’re not leaving any space for the synchronous universe to do its work.
Once you’ve done steps 1-4, let go. I know it feels counter-intuitive because we’re so used to working for what we want, but to allow your desire to manifest, you need to beso busy enjoying other aspects of your life that you barely remember what you’re trying to manifest.
Again, where attention goes, energy flows. This means if you’re obsessing over what you want but you’re feeling the lack of that thing, you are attracting MORE LACK. In other words, your negative thoughts are pushing what you want further away. Be intentional with your energy. Stay present and stay positive.
Time for the moment we’ve all been waiting for. How can we tell if our manifesting is working and what we want is on the way? On the flip side, what are the signs that it’s not working and we need to change things up?
Without further ado, here are some of the most common signs that your manifestation is or isn’t on its way.
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Signs Your Manifesting Is Coming
If you are trying to manifest something in your life and you start to notice these things, it’s a clear sign from your spirit guides that you’re on the right track. Keep thinking positive thoughts and maintaining your inner peace that what you want is on its way. You’re so close!
You’re having right place/right time moments (synchronicities)
When you’re on the right track to getting what you want, you’ll start to notice more synchronicities in your life. Maybe you made new friends who have an in with where you’re going, or you keep showing up with the perfect timing to get the best parking spot. Be on the lookout for right place/right time moments letting you know your head’s in the right place.
You feel good every time you think about it
If what you want is getting close, you’ll get so much joy out of thinking about it. You’ll feel excited, grateful, curious, etc. every time you think about it. If you have negative feelings like stress or worry when you think about it, you’re not as close as you think you are.
It kinda feels like you already have it
Sometimes when we’re powerfully calling something into our reality, there will be moments when we literally feel like we already have everything we want. If you ever daydream so hard that you forget it’s not real, it’s a good sgn your manifestation is coming soon.
You feel like you could take it or leave it
As we mentioned in the process of manifesting, it’s important not to obsess over what you want. If you’ve gotten to a point where you almost feel neutral about the thing you want, congrats, you’re getting close. This means that you’ve rewired your brain not to focus on the lack of what you want.
You have more good days than bad
Again, part of the process for manifesting is letting go of the anxiety attached to the thing you want. If you have more days when you feel peaceful and joyful than you do stressed and worried, it’s a positive sign that you’re moving in the right direction.
You’re seeing Angel Numbers
Angel numbers are a sequence of numbers that you see repeatedly. One of the most common repeating numbers people see when they’re on the brink of manifesting is 111 or 1111. If you keep seeing a number sequence over and over or happen to catch a certain time on the clock every day, it may be a weird sign from your guardian angels that good things are heading your way.

You experience and unexpected setback
Although this may seem counterintuitive, the path to what we want may not always look the way we expected. If you are going to trust in the power of the universe to bring you what you want, you have to give up control of how it comes to you. An unexpected setback might be a really good sign that your manifestation is close. Trust the process and don’t try to force the path to look the way you expect. Believe in miracles!
You have a gut feeling that it’s all working out
When you’re co-creating with the universe, you are totally tapped in and turned on to the collective consciousness. This means that your inner guidance is coming through loud and clear. When you’re on the right track, somehow you’ll be at peace and just know that everything is going to work out the way it’s supposed to.
Every next step comes naturally to you
Manifesting is not the same as working hard. Hard work can be a part of manifesting when it feels fun and inspiring, but when your manifestation is close, you’ll feel like every next step comes to you naturally. You won’t feel lost or confused. You’ll be infused with confidence and a sense of peace that you’re doing the right things.
You’ve consciously or subconsciously making space for it in your life
Sometimes, to make room for what you want, you have to clear out some of the clutter in your life. If you’ve started pulling away from a person, a relationship, a job, a situation, etc that you never would have thought you could leave, this could be a sign that you’re consciously or subconsciously making space in your life for new energy.

Signs Your Manifesting Isn’t Coming
Now that we know that signs your manifestation is on its way, let’s take a look at 11 sure signs that you’re off track. These are all signs that you’re not reaching your full potential of attracting positive energy. But don’t worry! Now that you know what they are, you can correct them and get closer to getting what you want. You’ll notice many of these are exactly opposite to the signs that your manifestation is close.
You don’t feel excited about it
You think about it constantly
You feel desperate for it to come
You’re not having fun every day
You keep trying to rationalize how it will comes
You’re working too hard to get it
You’re obsessing over it
You’ve put a timeline on it
You’re trying to convince yourself other things are what you asked for (but they’re not)
You don’t have faith in the universe in all ways
You can’t imagine EXACTLY what it will seem like, feel like, taste like, be like
Final Thoughts
Manifestation is a powerful tool that allows us to shape our reality through focused intention, positive thinking, and inspired action. By following the five steps of visualizing, embodying gratitude, taking inspired action, and letting go, we can attract anything we desire into our lives.
Never forget that manifesting is a co-creation with the universe. We must trust in the process and have faith that everything is working out for our highest good, even when the path doesn’t look exactly how we imagined.
Pay attention to the signs the universe sends confirming you’re on track, like angel numbers, synchronicities, and gut feelings. Also notice when your energy is off track, indicated by negative emotions and desperation. Use the feedback to gently guide yourself back to higher vibrations.
Manifestation takes practice, but the more you do it, the more proof you’ll have of your own ability to shape reality. Approach your desire with joy, act from inspiration, and trust that your higher self has your back. If you feel good, you’re on the right path. Your dreams are waiting for you to claim them.
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