When I began my personal development journey, I was hopeful that it would give me some direction in my life. But looking back, I’m awed at how much self-development has improved my mental health.
For years, I struggled and suffered from anxiety and depression. At the worst of it, I was having panic attacks daily, my life was in shambles (debt, toxic relationships, binge drinking, under-employment), and I was still operating under the belief that mental health is just a pre-determined part of each of us that we have no control over.
Now, years after making the commitment to my personal development, I’m grateful to know that belief was wrong. True, some of us may need to work a bit harder to stave off depression and anxiety, but none of us are doomed to its clutches.
After a lifetime of feeling lost, stuck, purposeless, isolated, overwhelmed, and out of control, the ways self-development has improved my mental health feel like a godsend.

What is personal development?
Personal development is assessing your interests, skills, and personality and making intentional improvements that further your self-actualization. In other words, personal development is what allows you to become closer to the person you want to be.
How did personal development improve my mental health?
For me, personal development has been a combination of mental, physical, and emotional/spiritual growth. My personal development journey started with a 75-day challenge (75 Hard Challenge) that included daily movement, a change to my diet, abstaining from alcohol, reading non-fiction books, and drinking more water.
Although this “challenge” worked as a good jumping-off point for me in personal development, there are infinite ways to get started with your own self-actualization journey. Here are examples in every category of good self-growth exercises.
Over the last few years, I’ve dabbled in all of the following examples and leaned heavily on a few!
Personal Development Examples
Mental Personal Development Examples | Physical Personal Development Examples | Emotional/Spiritual Personal Development Examples |
Read non-fiction books on entrepreneurship, finances, relationships, self-reflection, your industry, an industry you’re interested in, a trade, inspiring history or biographies | Move your body | Journal |
Make a 6 month, 1 year, 5 year plan | Drink more water | Meditate |
Create a budget tracking sheet | Eat the rainbow | Self-reflect |
Stop procrastinating | Eat less sugar | Vision Board |
Learn a new skill | Drink less alcohol | Visualize |
Watch less TV | Eat fewer processed foods | Learn new emotional vocabulary |
Spend less time on social media | Get better quality sleep | Give back to your community |
Cook food at home | Go for walks | Connect with loved ones |
Write in a journal with prompts | Soak up the sunshine | Reconnect with your inner child |
Say “yes” more, Say “no” when you need to | Try a new exercise | Express yourself creatively |
The list above of self-development examples is not a complete list. In reality, there are infinite ways to engage in self-development and commit to self-growth! But these are 10 of the most life-changing ways my commitment to self-development has improved my mental health for the long haul.
10 Ways My Mental Health Improved Because Of Self-Development
1. I’ve gained a sense of control
Much of the discomfort that comes from struggling with your mental health, especially when suffering from panic disorder, stems from a feeling of lack of control.
Committing to self-development and seeing how my choices and actions directly affect the direction of my life has given me back a sense of control over my life and my future.

2. I’ve gained a sense of purpose
If you struggle with depression and anxiety, I’m sure I don’t have to tell you about the dark pit of purposelessness that often comes with those mental spaces. And once you fall into that place, it can be hard to crawl back out and find a sense of identity and fulfillment again.
(Related: What It Means To Be Fulfilled and How To Find Fulfillment in 2023)
Focusing on personal development was surprisingly efficient in giving me back a sense of purpose in my life. That “purpose” continues to morph and evolve over time, but it’s much easier for me to find now that I have healthy habits in place moving me in the direction of who I want to be.
3. I’ve learned to schedule and prioritize
Poor mental health can make it very hard to zoom out and objectively make good choices about the direction of our lives. By committing to the mental, physical, and emotional/spiritual aspects of self-development, I’ve been forced to make decisions about which habits, relationships, and activities I have space for in my life and which I don’t. Those that I’ve kept, I have to schedule in carefully. This brings us to the next perk self-development has had for my mental health: I now have a daily routine.
(Related: How To Set And Accomplish Big, Powerful Goals)
4. I’m forced to have a daily routine
Having a daily routine is extremely helpful in staving off mental health issues. Committing to personal development forced me to plan out my days to make sure I would make time for everything I want to achieve. Building those good habits has provided the stability I need to keep my head above water. When you have less time to spin out, procrastinate, and catastrophize, it’s easier to keep your mental health even-keeled.
5. My self-awareness has improved
The three aspects of self-development; physical, mental, and spiritual/emotional have each in their own way expanded my sense of self and self-awareness. Regular, intentional movement has made me more in tune with my body and its cues. Things like meditation and journaling have made me more in tune with my emotions. And the clarity of mind that comes from a positive daily routine has made me more aware of my mental health at every moment.

6. My relationships have improved
Since focusing on my own health and growth, many of my relationships have reaped the benefits. I’ve become more patient, more empathetic, and a better communicator. Not to mention, the skill of scheduling and prioritizing my time better has allowed me to consistently make space for my relationships. Plus, because my personal development journey is so often top of mind, I’ve found myself having more positive and productive conversations with the people in my life.
7. I feel less isolated
My pursuit of self-actualization has allowed me to feel much less isolated in the world. Struggling with your mental health can feel extremely isolating. But since beginning this journey, I feel more capable of talking to others about my fluctuations in mental health, I feel more energized in meeting new people, and through the reading I’ve done, I feel more connected to humanity as a whole.
(Related: How To Easily Improve Communication In Your Relationships)

8. I feel less attached to my mental health labels
Before engaging in self-growth and expanding my self-awareness, I felt like my mental health labels were a permanent part of who I am. Now with the perspective I’ve gained, I realize that mental health is fluid and although I sometimes feel anxious or depressed, I know that I’m not simply an anxious or depressed person. This differentiation allows me to keep a healthier sense of self and to feel more empowered over my own feelings.
9. I’ve gained confidence
Committing to my self-development has done wonders for my confidence. The longevity of the commitment has proven to me that I can do hard things which makes me feel capable and strong in any environment. Plus, thanks to daily changes in routine, I am more fit, have clearer skin, more clarity of mind, and many new skills that I’m proud of.
10. I’ve learned to bounce back faster from low points in my mental health
Self-development has improved my mental health tremendously and provided me with a well-stocked tool kit to use in tough times. When my mental health starts to flounder and feelings of anxiety or depression creep back in, I’m much more well-equipped than I used to be to recognize the signs and make changes before things get too bad.
Wow, this blog post is absolutely incredible! Reading about how self-development has positively impacted your mental health is truly inspiring. Thank you for sharing these valuable insights in just 10 ways. I’m feeling motivated to embark on my own journey now!
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