In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, often neglecting our overall well-being. However, understanding the concept of vibrational energy can profoundly impact our mental, physical, and spiritual health. This article delves into the signs of low vibration and high vibration individuals, and how we can raise our energetic frequency to live a more fulfilling life.
Jump To:
- What does high vibration vs low vibration mean?
- The emotional vibration frequency scale
- High vibration emotions
- Low vibration emotions
- Signs of a low-vibration person
- Signs of a high-vibration person
- How to raise your vibration
- Final thoughts
What does high vibration vs. low vibration mean?
Vibrational energy is a subtle, ever-present part of each person’s aura. Everything in the universe, including our physical bodies, emits a specific energetic frequency or vibration. This vibration can range from very low to very high and its exact frequency is directly related to our overall well-being.
Your true self, or higher consciousness, is always operating from a very high frequency. The challenge we have as humans is to align with that higher level of self to experience positive, productive, high-vibration energy here on earth.
Our vibrations are also palpable to other people and we’re picking up on each other’s frequencies all the time. It’s probably not hard to think of someone with a low frequency who makes you feel sad or anxious just by being near them. Likewise, you can probably think of someone with a high frequency whose mere presence makes you feel at ease and light-hearted.
High vibrational energy is associated with positive emotions, good health, and inner peace. People operating at higher frequencies tend to radiate positivity, attract good things into their lives, and positively impact those around them. On the other hand, low vibrational energy is linked to negative emotions, uncomfortable physical symptoms, and an unpleasant demeanor. Low-vibration people often find themselves stuck in negative thought patterns and thanks to the law of attraction, attracting unfavorable circumstances.
(Related: How To Manifest Good Luck With The Law Of Attraction)
The Emotional Vibration Frequency Scale
Although we can talk about people as being low-vibration or high-vibration and having a low frequency or high frequency, the truth is we all embody a vast range of frequencies during any given day, week, or month.
Conveniently, your emotions are an exact reflection of your energetic frequency. Higher-frequency emotions like enlightenment, joy, and gratitude, feel better inside of our bodies. Lower-frequency emotions like jealousy, anger, and resentment, feel uncomfortable inside of our bodies. If you’re ever wondering where your frequency is at in your everyday life, the best way to measure it is by checking in with your emotions.

Here are a few examples of high vibration emotions vs low vibration emotions.
High Vibration Emotions
- Enlightenment
- Peace
- Joy
- Appreciation
- Gratitude
- Love
- Pride
- Excitement
- Contentment
- Hopefulness
- Optimism
Low Vibration Emotions
- Anger
- Jealousy
- Resentment
- Fear
- Grief
- Shame
- Neediness
- Hatred
- Sadness
Signs of a low-vibration person

Low vibes will affect a person internally in the way that they feel, as well as externally in their personality traits. Whether you’re trying to determine your own emotional frequency or that of someone in your life, try to look at the big picture rather than small moments here or there. In general, does this person radiate light and positivity? Or do they prefer to gossip and complain? Here are a few specific tell-tale signs of a low-vibration person.
Negative energy
This one probably seems obvious and that’s because it is! Don’t over think it: low-vibration people emanate negative energy which can be felt by those around them. They likely complain frequently, criticize others, harbor resentment and anger, and generally have a negative impact on other people’s moods.
Negative emotions
Individuals with low vibrational energy often experience negative emotions such as sadness, anxiety, fear, and jealousy. These low-frequency emotions can become a vicious cycle, further lowering their energetic vibration.
Mental health challenges
Low vibrational energy can manifest as mental health issues like depression, lack of motivation or purpose, and a general sense of unhappiness. Unfortunately, our vibrational systems are sensitive feedback loops which is why once we slip into a low frequency, it can be difficult to get out. The good news is, once we discover that we do have the power to raise our vibrations, we can reclaim control over our mental health and well-being.
Physical health issues
Low vibrational energy can also affect physical health, leading to conditions like fatigue, chronic pain, and a weakened immune system. Our chakras, the seven energy systems in the physical body, are sensitively attuned to our energetic vibrations and when they become blocked or misaligned, we can experience significant physical repercussions.
Negative self-talk
Low-vibration people often engage in negative self-talk, criticizing themselves and focusing on their flaws rather than their strengths. Since our vibrations are an ongoing feedback loop, changing your self-talk is one of the easiest ways to intervene with your negative energy and begin raising your vibrations.
(Related: Rewire Your Brain and Change Your Negative Self-Talk (4 Simple Steps))
Attraction to low vibrational activities
One of the major external signs of low vibrational people is that they tend to be drawn to activities that further lower their vibration. This can include consuming excessive alcohol, watching violent or negative content, gossiping, avoiding happy people, and engaging in bad habits or dangerous activities.
Low-vibrational people can find it deeply uncomfortable to be around other people. The saying “misery loves company” is a great example of low vibrational energy at play. The law of attraction is constantly at work in our lives and when we are emitting a low vibration, we are also actively repelling higher vibes, aka happy people, loving environments, etc.
A feeling of “stuck-ness”
Negative thinking and low vibrational emotions make it difficult to be optimistic or imagine a brighter future for yourself. Because of this, low vibe people may feel “stuck” or “trapped” in their circumstances without hope that things will change in the future.
A victim mentality
A victim mentality is a sure sign that someone has low vibrations. If they’ve been living in that energetic state for a while, chances are, they likely have attracted a lot of hardship into their lives and have not had an easy time lately. This is a self-fulfilling prophecy of being on a “low-flying disc,” as Abraham Hicks calls it. The more you retreat into a negative space in your mind where you expect the worst, the more the universe will fulfill your expectations with additional hardship.
A scarcity mindset
A person vibrating at a low frequency is likely not attracting a lot of abundance, joy, expansion etc. into their reality. Because of this, it’s easy to become jaded and believe that there is not enough abundance to go around. A scarcity mindset can show up as poor impulse control, lack of compassion, and lack of present moment awareness, among other symptoms.
(Related: Abundance Vs Scarcity Mindset: Everything You Need To Know)
Being an energy vampire
Low-vibe people can be very draining on the people they spend time with. If you’re operating at a low frequency, you have the power to pull everything and everyone around you into your black hole of negative emotion. If you’ve noticed that every time you spend time with a particular person you leave feeling worse (low-energy, negative mindset, anxious, self-conscious, etc.), you may be dealing with an energy vampire whose point of attraction is low-vibe negativity.
Signs of a high-vibration person

If you look closely, high-vibration people tend to have a very different daily routine and mindset than people with a low vibe. A high vibrational frequency is maintained through positive thoughts, daily practice, and intentional monitoring of emotions. Here are some of the signs of high vibrations:
Positive energy
High-vibe people radiate an uplifting, joyful energy that is palpable to others around them. Their positive presence has a way of naturally lifting the moods of those they interact with. Fittingly, others often describe people with higher frequencies as having “good vibes.”
Positive emotions
Individuals vibrating at higher frequencies experience an abundance of positive emotions like joy, gratitude, love, and gratitude on a regular basis. Their emotional set point is higher than people vibrating at lower frequencies. This sustained positivity comes naturally for some people but others have to stay vigilant and monitor their emotions to ensure they don’t unconsciously slip into more negative ways of thinking.
Good mental health
With an optimistic outlook and a greater sense of overall well-being, high-vibration people tend to have fewer mental health challenges. Their positivity acts as a buffer against stress and allows them to bounce back quickly from setbacks.
Good physical health
Higher energetic vibrations are associated with good physical health, as they allow the body to operate in harmony. Our chakras are seven energy systems inside the body that are attuned to our general frequency. The chakra system plays a large role in our physical health and wellness so high-vibe people tend to have fewer physical ailments.
(Related: 20 Signs & Symptoms Your Heart Chakra Is Opening)
Positive self-talk
Those vibrating at higher frequencies practice positive, empowering self-talk that builds themselves up rather than tearing themselves down. Their self-talk reflects self-love. This kind of intentional positive thinking is a two-way feedback loop that helps raise your vibrations and is easier to do once you’re vibrating at a higher frequency. It takes practice to improve your internal monologue but the effects can be profound.
Attraction to high vibrational activities
High-vibe people are naturally drawn to activities, hobbies, and pursuits that are uplifting and raise their vibration even higher, like yoga, meditation, hiking, or creative endeavors. Sometimes it seems like people maintaining a high spiritual vibrations have endless energy and are constantly doing, exploring, creating, etc.
Openness to new experiences
New experiences and opportunities for growth and adventure are more appealing to people operating on a high vibe. Their openness attracts expansion and their positive outlook makes newness seem exciting rather than scary.
Compassion and empathy
Operating from a space of higher consciousness, high-vibrational people exude compassion, empathy, and care for others. They are tuned into their own intuition as well as the collective consciousness. Aware intuitive empaths have to maintain a high vibe in order to stay grounded despite their ability to tap into others’ feelings.
Present moment awareness
High-vibration people stay grounded in the present moment through practices like mindfulness. They appreciate the beauty of each experience fully. It’s very easy to get knocked off your high-flying disk if your mind is stuck in the past or future. Only the present moment offers total freedom and bliss.
Resilience and adaptability
When faced with challenges, those at higher vibrations tend to go with the flow of change rather than trying to resist it. This is often a reflection of the growth mindset that people with a high vibration embody, unlike their lower vibe counterparts who tend to have a fixed mindset.
Emotional intelligence
High-vibration individuals have a strong grasp of their own emotions as well as the ability to read emotional cues from others. Their emotional awareness allows for interpersonal connections at a deeper level.
How to raise your vibration

Raising your vibration is an ongoing part of self-development. Eventually, you will become so practiced at noticing when your vibration falters and learning to gently come back to neutral that it will seem to others that you’re always operating at a high frequency. But this kind of emotional mastery takes time! Be patient on your spiritual journey as you learn to make baby steps towards feelings better. After all, our emotions act as a perfect compass for improving our frequency. All you have to do is learn to listen to what you emotions are telling you and find effective tools for shedding the negativity and landing on thoughts that feel better in your body. Here are a few specific tools that you can use to raise your vibration.
One of the most effective ways to raise your vibration is to let go of the pressures of the outside world by turning inward. Sometimes all it takes is a few deep breaths to drastically shift your energy field. Most high vibration people make a conscious effort to maintain a regular meditation practice.
Our emotions are an exact reflection of our vibration and attraction point. If you’ve had a bad day and you’re feeling sad, frustrated, overwhelmed, etc., use meditation to calm your nervous system and recover a positive or at least neutral emotional state. If at the end of your meditation you feel better, you can be sure that you’ve raised your vibrations.
Read More: Meditation 101 For Beginners (+3 Easy Techniques To Try!)
Practice gratitude
It’s impossible to have an emotional set-point of both gratitude and a negative emotion like anger, jealousy etc. at the same time. Next time you’re feeling low-vibe, cultivating an attitude of gratitude is a great way to raise your emotional set point. You don’t have to be grateful for difficult or painful things – find things in your life that you genuinely have an appreciation for. Reflecting on the good things in your life is a powerful way to overcome low-vibration emotions.
Read More: The Benefits Of Gratitude And How To Create Your Practice
Take care of your body
Your body, mind, and spirit are inextricably linked. When your body is running optimally, it makes it much easier to regulate your mood and your spiritual vibration. Eat healthy foods, get regular exercise, make time to sweat, get enough sleep, drink enough water, and don’t overdo the caffeine or alcohol.
Spend time in nature
Spending time in the fresh air and connecting with nature can help ground you and raise your energetic frequency. The natural world is always vibrating at its authentic high frequency and if you open yourself up to it, you can regulate your own energy by aligning with the beautiful energy of mother earth.
Practice mindfulness
Techniques like meditation, deep breathing, and mindfulness can help you stay present in the moment and raise your vibration. The past and future are full of potential regret and anxiety. Only the present moment offers guaranteed peace and freedom. By staying mindfully in the present moment, you can maintain a positive mindset moment by moment.
Surround yourself with high-vibe people
Spending time with positive, uplifting individuals can have a profound impact on your own vibrations. We are incredibly absorbant creatures and we long to fit in with our peers. That’s why it’s so important to make sure that the people you’re spending time with will be impressed by your healthy choices, forward movement, and growth mindset. Don’t spend time with people who are bonding over gossip, misfortune, violence, or any other form of negativity.
Listen to feel-good music
Music, which is itself a masterpiece of vibrations hitting our eardrums, can instantly shift your mood and energetic vibration. Choose upbeat, inspiring tunes to lift your spirits. Music also has the potential to shift our vibes in the opposite direction. So in addition to choosing the good vibrations of uplifting music, try to avoid music that brings you down and drags your mind into a negative thought pattern.
Engage in creative pursuits
Activities like painting, writing, or dancing can help you tap into your higher self and raise your vibration. A lot of people believe that when we enter a “flow state” it is the equivalent of meditating or communing with a higher consciousness. If you’re feeling bogged down by the pressure of the 3D world, consider picking up a creative endeavor to raise your vibrations and expand your perspective.
Practice positive self-talk
Replace negative thoughts and self-talk with affirmations and kind self-talk to shift your vibration. Regardless of what you show to the world, your inner self knows the truth about how you feel. Make taking care of your emotional well-being your number one priority and pretty soon you’ll realize that your vibes have never been higher.
Final thoughts
Understanding the concept of vibrational energy can be a powerful tool for personal growth and well-being. In fact, raising your vibrations is an excellent gateway into experiencing a spiritual awakening. By recognizing the signs of low and high vibration individuals, we can make conscious choices to raise our energetic frequency and live a more fulfilling life. Remember, raising your vibration is a journey, and it’s important to be patient and compassionate with yourself along the way. Embrace the practices that resonate with you and trust that by raising your vibration, you’ll attract more positive experiences, relationships, and opportunities into your life.