
Are You Granola-Curious? Embrace Your Inner Granola Girl

crunchy granola girl

Picture this: you just had your third date with someone and you invited them over to your house for dinner. You saged the house before they got there, and then showed them your windowsill herb garden before you sat down for your vegan meal.

Afterwards your date tells their friends, “I don’t know man, she’s really cool, she just might be a little too granola for me.”

I’m sorry…what does that mean?!? Is it a compliment? An insult? Is being a “crunchy granola” person something we should aspire for or try to ward against?

What is a granola girl?

A granola girl is an eco-conscious, progressive girl who doesn’t conform to societal standards of curated femininity, and loves spending time outdoors.

This confident modern hippie usually loves to get out in nature, thinks about her impact on the environment, and at least dabbles in lessening her negative impact on the world. Hence, growing some things at home, using eco-friendly products, and very possibly being vegetarian or vegan.

granola person

Is it a compliment to be called a granola girl?

Being called a granola girl is a huge compliment that reflects your authentic way of living.

Obviously that’s just one mildly crunchy gal’s opinion, but I’m writing the article and I said so.

There are so many other descriptors that people could use if they meant to be insulting: dirty, smelly hippie, unkempt, out-there, weird. You get the gist.

But this title, “Granola Girl,” was specifically invented to describe the wild-spirited, sprite-like, nature-loving women of the world with an air of class and charm.

Are you Granola-Curious?

I’m coining a new phrase: granola-curious.

Being granola-curious means you believe that it’s a compliment to be called a granola-girl, but you’re not sure yet if you have the commitment to live the granola lifestyle.

Maybe you daydream about living in a van while you work at your 9 to 5. Or you want to get more into camping, going to farmers’ markets, riding your bike, burning incense, and cooking vegan food, but it seems hard to get started or maintain that way of life.

If you think you’re granola-curious….read on.

How to Embrace Your Inner Granola Girl

As a relatively recent embracer of the granola girl lifestyle myself, let me start by offering this advice: it’s okay to be just a little granola. It’s also okay to be super crunchy granola one week, and totally forget about it the next week. There are no rules.

But if you’re granola-curious, you owe it to yourself to dabble in the freeing lifestyle of the truly crunchy granola girl.

Start small.

Being a crunchy granola person is all about embracing the great outdoors and your relationship with nature. What parts of that call to you?

Explore the national parks within driving distance of your home

Here’s a list of all of the National Parks by state. Chances are, at least one of them is driving distance from you! The National Parks are such an amazing resource we have in the United States to connect with nature and ourselves. Plus, you’ll almost certainly cross paths with other crunchy granola people people while you’re there and you know what that means? New friends!

Build up to a backpacking trip

I have to hand it to REI — they are the master of lists when it comes to planning for granola activities. Planning a backpacking trip can be way more chill than you might think and it’s such a great way for the granola-curious girl to tip her toe into the full-on granola way of life. Here’s REI’s Backpacking For Beginners Checklist if you want to check it out!

Are you granola curious? Embrace your inner granola girl

Try new outdoor activities

Have you ever been rock climbing? Canoeing? Kayaking? Bird watching? No? Well you could. Chances are there are other people in your area who are into these things. With a little research you could probably find a group of granola guys and gals getting out there this weekend.

Find a farmers’ market

Farmers markets are a great excuse to have a positive impact on your community by buying your organic groceries for the week, while also getting to meet lots of like-minded people. You’ll notice a lot of these ideas not so subtly are encouraging you to mingle with other granolas — that’s because that’s the only way to truly embrace your own inner granola girl. The good news is, these type of people are usually so friendly and open.

Ride your bike to school or work

Again, sustainability sister. Riding your bike is good for you and the planet! Basically the poster child activity for being a granola girl.

Spend your weekend outside

This may seem obvious, but it deserves to be on the list. Most of us still have to work even though our hearts long for the great outdoors. So when you have the chance, like on the weekends, to indulge in outdoor adventures…do it!

Refine your recycling and composting habits

If you don’t live in a community where everyone recycles and composts, it takes a little effort to do those things in your own home. But the effort is totally worth it. It feels good knowing that your actions have a positive impact on the beautiful world you love!

Swap out your beauty, hygiene, and cleaning products with more natural and sustainable options

​Most beauty and cleaning products are shockingly bad for the environment. If you want to wear a bit of makeup to complement your granola look, I don’t blame you! But one way you can boost your commitment to the granola lifestyle is to be conscientious of what products you’re choosing.

Cook from scratch using fresh, organic ingredients (and invite friends over to share in the cooking and eating)

​As a granola-curious girl who’s been looking for my people for a while, I’ve learned something amazing about granola people: they’re so social! If you want to truly embrace the lifestyle, I’m telling you, invite your friends over to cook an amazing, sustainable meal and enjoy the food and each others company.

Learn how to make kombucha, kimchi, pickles or any other fermented food

Fermented foods are absolutely amazing for your gut and therefore your physical and mental health! Creating an all-around healthier lifestyle is important to us granola girls. Consider learning how to ferment a couple of things like kimchi and pickles to support your gut and impress your future granola friends!

Granola Girl Aesthetic

​The granola girl aesthetic is a low-maintenance appearance of mainly earth tone colors from granola clothing brands that use sustainable practices. 

The irony of the granola girl aesthetic is that it’s so cute and enviable, and yet it’s entirely the result of a demand for functionality.

Maybe these granola-loving companies just really know what they’re doing and decided to make it easy for the granola girls of the world who are too busy playing outside to think about fashion. I don’t know how it came to be but the fact is undeniable. The granola girl aesthetic is everything we granola-curious girls want it to be.

For the record, IfI don’t own any of these Etsy shops! Just sharing my faves.

Granola Girl Aesthetic Starter Pack

Granola Girl Aesthetic Floral Shirt
Comfy nature-themed t-shirt
Teva shoes for granola girls
Comfy, supportive, open-toed shoes
Granola Girl Aesthetic Hemp Purse
Sustainable, hand-made, all-purpose bag to complement the granola girl look with usability
Crunchy Granola Style
Just, everything in this look
Granola Aesthetic
Hand-made specialty design Nalgene water bottle to stay hydrated

Final Thoughts

All I’m saying is, would it be the worst thing in the world to bring little more granola to our lives? I think not! I hope you enjoyed this post almost as much as you enjoy your hike this weekend. If I missed anything, let me know in the comments below! 

Hey, I'm Mary! My background is in Psychology and I'm a certified Health Coach and Meditation Teacher. I'm also a mental health advocate and believer in personal development as medicine. I write because I'm hopeful that my experiences and learnings as a human are helpful to you--wherever you are.

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