Have you ever had one of those gut feelings that just won’t go away? Or experienced a vivid dream that seemed to have deeper meaning? Maybe you’ve noticed some weird coincidences or synchronicities happening in your life recently. If so, it could be your higher self talking to you!
Let’s take a deeper look at what and who your higher self is as well as how we can tell when our higher selves are trying to communicate with us.
Jump To:
- What is your higher self?
- Lower self vs higher self
- How we become disconnected from our higher self
- What does your higher self look like?
- How to connect to your higher self
- 15 signs your higher self is talking to you
- Final thoughts
What is your Higher Self?
Your higher self is the essence of who you truly are, beyond the limitations of the 3D world. It is your highest consciousness, your authentic state, and your true nature – the you that’s greater than your physical body and material world. This aspect of your being is intimately connected to a divine source or “that which is greater than us.” It operates from a higher perspective, nudging you towards your uniquely right path and higher purpose.
We all have a wise, intuitive side – our “higher self” or inner self. It’s the part of us that’s tapped into the larger spiritual picture and has our best interests at heart. It’s not concerned with your 3D goals like getting a certain person to love you or receiving a promotion for clout – your higher self is only interested in your spiritual growth.
When you feel some inexplicable intrinsic force gently nudging you one way or another, that’s your intuition – the voice of your higher self.

Lower Self vs Higher Self
While your higher self represents your spiritual essence and unconditional love, your lower self is the part of you that is primarily concerned with physical survival, ego gratification, and material desires. Let’s take a deeper look at both so you can determine when you’re operating from the perspective of your lower self and when you’re tuned into the power of your higher self.
Lower Self
The lower self is concerned entirely with the 3D world – survival, ego, and material things. This part of our consciousness operates from fear, scarcity, and insecurity, leading to limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviors that disconnect you from your highest self. When you’re living only as your lower self, you likely feel overwhelmed by daily tasks, unmotivated to make big changes, uninspired, dispassionate, and stuck.
The term “lower self” isn’t used as often as “higher self” and that’s largely because the “lower self” is just the unconscious, animalistic part of humans. It’s the place most people operate from most of the time. It’s not until we go on a spiritual journey and realize that we have a choice that the lower self becomes only one-half of the human identity. Until then, it feels like everything.
The lower self is not “bad” or something to be ashamed of – it’s an essential part of being a human being. The lower self keeps us fed, sheltered, accepted by our peers, etc. However, the lower self is not meant to be the only operator of the ship. It’s meant to work in tandem with your spiritual, intuitive side: the higher self.
Higher Self
The higher self is your spiritual essence – some might call it your soul. The higher self is tapped into the collective consciousness, past lives, and universal knowledge. It is what drives your morals and passion. It’s responsible for your intuition and serendipity. When you’re tuned into your higher self, you likely feel energetic, motivated, full of purpose, boundless, and inspired.
Many people don’t become intimately familiar with their higher self until they’ve gone through a spiritual awakening. A spiritual awakening is what happens when we realize that there is more to our experience as humans than what we can see on the 3D plane. Some people never experience this spiritual growth and spend their entire lives in the “survival mode” of their lower self.
How we Become disconnected from Our Higher Self

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to disconnect from the enlightened aspect of yourself. The physical world can be demanding and we get caught up in material things that seem so urgent and important in the moment. The “survival mode” of our lower self takes over, shutting out the little voice of our highest self.
While it’s not possible to completely lose your Higher Self, it’s possible to become disconnected and out of alignment with who you really are. Here are some of the most common ways we fall out of alignment with our Higher Self.
A strong fear of failure may be a sign that you’re stuck in your lower self. Oftentimes, perfectionism is a form of procrastination and represents a strong attachment to 3D outcomes. Because of this focus on material goals, perfectionism can also prevent you from listening to your higher self’s guidance and embracing your full potential.
Ignoring Your Intuition
Your higher self often communicates through your intuition and gut feelings, so ignoring those nudges can lead to a more pervasive disconnect from your inner being. Repeatedly ignoring your intuition can begin to make it difficult to hear your intuition or recognize it for what it is.
People Pleasing
Your higher self cares first and foremost about your wellbeing and growth. By putting others’ expectations before your own, you’re not honoring your authentic self or your soul’s journey – creating separation from your higher self.
Numbing emotions or senses through substances or behaviors dulls your sensitivity and awareness, blocking your connection to your higher self. By muting your emotions, thoughts, and intuitions, you’re essentially cutting off communication with your inner being.
Blocked Third Eye Chakra
An imbalance in the third eye chakra, the energy center for intuition and spiritual insight, obstructs the free flow of information from your higher self. Blockages can happen for many reasons but through intentional meditation, you can unblock your third eye chakra.
Even though your higher self is looking out for you over everyone else, this spiritual part of you would never try to make gains at the expense of anyone else. Your inner being is part of the collective consciousness and loves all things and people equally. An excessive focus on the ego and personal gains, without consideration for the well-being of others, is out of alignment with your higher self.
Obsession With 3D Goals
Becoming consumed by purely material, physical world aims and ambitions causes you to lose sight of the bigger metaphysical picture guided by your higher self. Being a human being is much more than accomplishing 3D goals and your Higher Self is not interested in those mundane pursuits. Rather, your Higher Self has a deeper understanding of who you are and is interested in goals concerning love and spiritual growth.
What does your higher self look like?
Your higher self doesn’t have a physical form, but is often depicted as a radiant, glowing being or a wise, enlightened version of yourself.
Some people envision their higher self as a spirit guide or angelic figure. Others may find it helpful to visualize their higher self as an ideal version of themselves. In other words, if you were already exactly who you dream of becoming — what would you look like? What would you wear? How would you talk to others? Where would you live? etc.
How to connect to your higher self

To strengthen your connection to your higher self, you can practice meditation, spend time in nature, practice gratitude, improve your self-talk, and engage in creative pursuits. The most important thing is learning to recognize the little voice of your inner wisdom and paying attention when it speaks.
Through quieting the conscious mind and outside chatter, meditation opens you up to hear the subtle guidance and intuitive wisdom of your higher self. As a spiritual practice, mindfulness meditation is a powerful tool that can have profound effects on your spirituality. This is the best way to open up your third eye and crown chakra to receive wisdom from a higher power.
Read More: Meditation 101 For Beginners (+3 Easy Techniques To Try!)
Spend time in nature
Being in nature helps ground you in the present moment and connect to the ancient wisdom of the natural world. The chaos of our modern world can make it difficult to hear your inner voice – returning to nature can restore your ability to listen.
Practice gratitude
An attitude of appreciation raises your vibration, making you more receptive to insights and promptings from your highest consciousness. A gratitude practice does not mean that you have to be grateful for things in your life that are not ideal – it just means finding the positive things that do exist in your life and acknowledge those.
Read More: The Benefits Of Gratitude And How To Create Your Practice
Improve your self-talk
Speaking to yourself with kindness aligns you with the unconditional self-love of your higher self, while harsh self-criticism blocks its voice. Negative self-talk never comes from your higher self – it is a construct of the ego. Try to connect with your divine self by speaking more kindly to yourself throughout the day.
Read More: Rewire Your Brain and Change Your Negative Self-Talk (4 Simple Steps)
Engage in creative pursuits
Creative activities like art, music, cooking, dance, etc. allow you to enter a flow state that opens you up to understanding your true purpose and receiving inspiration from your inner world. Making creativity a daily ritual is a great way to make space for connecting with your higher self.
15 Signs your Higher Self is talking to you

Staying tuned in to your higher self is so important if you want to live a fulfilling and meaningful life. Being in touch with your inner being helps you stay in alignment with your true nature and authenticity. It allows you to fulfill your deeper life purpose instead of just going through the motions. Your higher self clues you in to possibilities and paths that your normal consciousness may miss.
The first step to staying in alignment with your higher self is learning to recognize when that higher consciousness is speaking to you. Once you know the signs your higher self is trying to communicate, you can make space to actually listen. It’s not always easy, but strengthening this connection leads to profound personal growth and inner peace.
So let’s dive into the different ways that your highest self is reaching out! Maybe you’re already experiencing some of these intuitive nudges…
You feel compelled to fulfill your potential
A strong inner drive to grow, evolve, and actualize your highest abilities is a nudge from your higher self to live up to your purpose.
You feel a desire to improve the world
A calling to make a positive impact and be of service stems from your higher self’s vision for a better world. Your higher self is not selfish and is always compelled to be of service to others in a way that is also uplifting to you.
You have a gut feeling about something
Your higher self communicates through intuitive gut feelings, so pay attention to those strong inner hunches – oftentimes they carry more weight than you know.
(Related: How To Separate Your Intuition From Your Anxiety)
You stop caring what others think
Newfound freedom from others’ opinions and being true to yourself indicates alignment with your higher self’s authenticity. Your higher self is not concerned with the human ego and the need to be liked by everyone.
You begin enjoying alone time
A desire for solitude and looking inward arises when your higher self wants you to pause outside noise and go inside.
You feel called to a higher purpose
A sense of being meant for something greater and a yearning for meaningful work is your higher self’s way of revealing your spiritual calling.
(Related: What It Means To Be Fulfilled And How To Find Fulfillment In 2024)
You don’t feel so attached to the material world
Diminished interest in physical possessions and status points to the priorities of your higher self: true fulfillment lies within.
You start seeing synchronicities
Meaningful coincidences are your higher self’s way of grabbing your attention and highlighting important guidance. The universe is always baking you and supporting you in pursuit of your soul’s calling so if you start getting winks from the universe that you’re on the right track, pay attention.
You start seeing angel numbers
Repeatedly seeing sequences like 111 or 222 can be a wake-up call from your higher self or spirit guides to take notice. Some people believe that each angel number carries a unique message from the universe, aka your higher self.
You’ve been having more chance encounters
Seemingly random serendipitous meetings and right place, right time moments are divinely guided by your higher self to place you on the right path.
You’ve experienced shifts in perspective
Radically new perspectives on reality are signs of your higher self expanding your consciousness to the bigger picture. Some people call these “downloads” from your higher self. Once you’ve peeked behind the curtain, you can’t un-know what you know.
You’ve been having vivid dreams
Intense, symbolic dreams are one of the most common ways your higher self communicates guidance from the spiritual realms. Not all dreams have the deeper meaning we think they do but if you pay attention to patterns and themes in your dream world, you may be able to pick up a strong message from your higher self.
You keep hitting roadblocks
If you keep encountering unexpected obstacles and challenges, it could be your higher self talking to you by redirecting you toward your true path. Roadblocks can awaken you to pursue a more fulfilling direction aligned with your highest good. When you’re on the right path, you’ll find that you can accomplish big tasks with much greater ease.
You’re feeling more drawn towards creative outlets
A newfound or rekindled interest in creative pursuits like art, music, or writing may be a sign that your higher self is seeking expression. Creativity allows you to tap into a higher state of consciousness and authentic expression. Many people experience “flow,” an almost out-of-body experience when engaging in creative endeavors.
You’ve been self-sabotaging
If you find yourself stuck in patterns of self-defeating behavior or undermining your own success, it may be your higher self’s way of trying to alert you that something is awry. Self-sabotage can wake you up to deeper truths about situations that you’re intentionally or unintentionally ignoring.

Final Thoughts
Your higher self is your direct line to the divine, your subconscious mind, and universal consciousness. By cultivating a strong connection with this aspect of your being, you can unlock life-changing rewards and embark on a spiritual path that leads to a profound sense of inner peace and fulfillment.
While the journey to awakening your higher self can be challenging at times, the rewards are immeasurable – a deeper connection to your true self, a greater sense of purpose, and the ability to navigate life’s challenges with wisdom and grace. The first step is to simply become aware of the signs that your higher self is trying to communicate with you and to approach these messages with an open heart and conscious awareness. By doing so, you can unlock the door to your own path of spiritual growth and alignment with your higher self. You’ll be amazed how the universe supports you when you are in-tune with who you’re really meant to become.
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