We’ve all heard that we should rely on luck to get what we want. We should work hard and be grateful for what we have! But let’s be real, could a little luck really hurt? We all out here wondering how to manifest luck.
It turns out, every lucky person you know is just really good at manifesting good things. They may not even be aware they’re doing it! But that’s what “luck” is.
This is great news for those of us who’ve always thought we were, well, out of luck when it comes to being lucky because it means we can become lucky people.
Jump to:
- Why are some people lucky?
- Signs of a lucky person
- Why do I have bad luck?
- What is the law of attraction?
- What is manifestation, exactly?
- How to manifest luck
- Good luck affirmations
Why are some people lucky?
Some people seem lucky because they (knowingly or unknowingly) have figured out how to manifest good things in their lives.
It’s easy to see how easily good things flow into some people’s lives and assume that those people must just be lucky.
But here’s the truth.
Some people have an easier time allowing good things into their lives, which from the outside, makes them seem lucky to an onlooker.
Are some people lucky because came to the planet with more good karmic energy than the rest of us? Are they the golden child? Did they do something to deserve their good fortune? NO.
Many of these people just got a head start at learning to manifest good luck. They have more practice and more momentum than the rest of us and a daily routine that helps them stay positive. Most likely, they don’t even realize that they’re excellent manifestors – they’re just doing what they’ve always done that has brought them good luck.
In reality, anyone can become lucky and can learn to manifest luck. But changing your mindset is the first step to becoming one of these lucky people.
If you have the limiting belief that the world is split into two camps, the lucky and the unlucky, that subconscious belief will hold you back from utilizing the law of attraction to become lucky. (Actually, more accurately, that belief will BRING more proof of that belief into your reality.)

Signs of a lucky person:
They are excited by new opportunities
Lucky people understand that all new opportunities are a good thing – they represent positive energy flowing toward them.
They are grateful for good things
Lucky people are not entitled. They know how to appreciate what they have and through that gratitude, they are emanating positive energy that invites more good things into their reality.
They listen to their intuition
People who have good luck have a good relationship with their inner guidance system – their intuition. Luck comes from having a mutually beneficial relationship with the energy of the universe and sometimes inspiration comes in whispers, not in shouts.
They have clear goals and dreams
Lucky people know where they’re headed in life and have a clear intention of their future. This allows them to know when an opportunity is meant for them or not and confidently pursue what they want out of life.
They have a positive attitude
Lucky people consistently vibrate at a higher frequency than unlucky people. They are always open and willing to receive guidance from the universe. This starts with having a positive attitude.
They don’t dwell on negativity
Similar to the fact that lucky people have a positive attitude, they’re also quick to let negativity go. Great things can’t flow into your life if you are constantly focused on things you don’t like.
They have an abundant mindset
People who attract a lot of luck into their lives have an abundant mindset. They know that there is plenty of good fortune, wealth, love, etc to go around. They’re not afraid of missing out on anything because they know there is always more.
Why do I have bad luck?
You don’t have bad luck – you’re just not using the Law Of Attraction to your advantage.
It seems like some people get all the luck. If you’re not used to being one of the “chosen few,” it may feel like you were just born with bad luck.
If you believe you have bad luck, it’s likely because you haven’t mastered manifestation using the law of attraction. (YET). Read on for step-by-step instructions to manifest luck so you can become a lucky person.
The limiting beliefs that you can’t change your fate and that you’ll never be lucky will hold you back from everything you want in life.
Your subconscious mind plays a huge role in your physical reality. Your bad luck may just be a manifestation of your unconscious negative thoughts and scarcity mindset.
You can manifest luck and become a lucky person by learning to use the powerful tool called the Law of Attraction to your advantage.

What is the law of attraction?
The Law of Attraction is a concept that suggests the energy we emit into the world, whether positive or negative, attracts corresponding experiences and outcomes into our lives.
The concept of the Law of Attraction can be traced back to ancient spiritual and philosophical traditions. However, it gained mainstream attention in the early 20th century through the New Thought movement, which emphasized the power of positive thinking and the influence of one’s thoughts on their reality. Proponents of the Law of Attraction argue that the universe operates on vibrational frequencies, and our thoughts and emotions emit energetic vibrations that resonate with similar frequencies in the cosmos.
The Law Of Attraction stems from the fact that everything in the universe is energy and has a vibration. This includes our thoughts. Every time that we think a thought, we emit a specific vibration that resonates with and attracts, other things in the universe that have the same frequency.
Positive thinking has a high vibration that invites other people, experiences, places, and opportunities that resonate at the same high frequency; negative thinking has a lower vibration that resonates with more hardships, denials, and setbacks that are attuned to a low frequency.

Read More: How To Use The Law Of Attraction On Your Spiritual Journey
Key Principles of the Law of Attraction:
Like Attracts Like:
At the heart of the Law of Attraction is the principle that similar energies attract each other. In practical terms, this means that positive thoughts and emotions are believed to draw positive experiences, while negative thoughts may attract undesirable situations. The emphasis is on maintaining a positive mindset to manifest a positive physical reality.
Visualization and Embodiment:
Visualization is a powerful tool in the practice of the Law of Attraction. Since we are constantly attracting energy to us, whether consciously or unconsciously, we need to have clear intentions about what we want.
When you visualize the outcome you want and embody the way it will feel to have it, you are tuning yourself to the vibrational frequency of what you want. This sets the wheels in motion for attracting those things, since they will now be drawn to your energy. A vision board is one of the best ways to begin this process and harness the full power of visualization.
Gratitude and Positivity:
Expressing gratitude for the present and maintaining a positive outlook are essential to using the Law of Attraction to manifest your desires.
It’s important to realize that the Law of Attraction is in motion all the time, not just when you want to use it to your advantage. Everything that you experience in your life is a direct result of what you have attracted.
In order to begin using the Law of Attraction to attract things you want and stop attracting things you don’t, gratitude and positive thinking can help. Gratitude can shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance, aligning you with the positive energy required to attract more of what you want: luck, love, money, health, etc.

What is manifestation, exactly?
Manifestation is the intentional use of the Law of Attraction to attract what you want into your life.
In reality, thanks to the Law of Attraction, we’re all manifesting our realities at all times. But usually, we use the word “manifesting” to represent the times we are intentionally manifesting positive outcomes.
Even Oprah says about manifesting “…I have seen it work. I have seen it over and over again.”
The most powerful manifestation technique is outlined below. It looks really simple but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy. Step 1: Visualize what you want – this one is pretty easy. We all like to daydream about our dreams and goals. Step 2: Embody the feeling of having it – this is a little harder but with practice, it becomes easier and easier. Step 3: Let it go – THIS is the step that most people get hung up on. It’s not easy to stop thinking about the things you want most in life. It’s hard not to notice that you don’t have it yet. This is the step that will probably take you the longest to master but trust me, it can be done.
Read More: 60 Top Law Of Attraction Quotes To Manifest Your Dreams
The basic steps for manifestation are:
Visualize what you want
The first step to manifesting anything you want in life is to get very clear about what exactly you want. What does it look like? What does it taste like? Who’s there with you to enjoy it – friends, family members, co-workers? What are they doing and saying? You should know everything there is to know about the thing you want to manifest. You should have vivid daydreams about it on a regular basis.
Embody the feeling of having it
Step 2 of manifesting is to embody the feeling of having whatever it is you want. This takes step one, Visualization, one step further. Not only should you be able to picture what it looks like in your mind’s eye, but you need to go deep. What would it feel like to have what you want? What emotion words come to mind? What does your body feel like? Do you feel grateful, relieved, blessed? What will you be doing, saying, thinking, seeing, and feeling when this vision is a reality? Allow yourself to get carried away by your daydream so much so that when you snap out of it you think, “whoa, that felt real.”
Let it go
This is by far the hardest step of effective manifestation. After you’ve become crystal clear about what you want and you feel inside your body like you’ve already gotten it, it’s time to put it on a shelf. Stop talking about it, stop thinking about it, definitely stop thinking about the lack of it. You have to completely move your attention to other things.
CAVEAT – there is one small caveat here. You are allowed to think about what you want if, and only if, you can do so without bringing ANY negative thoughts or scarcity mindset to the mix. If you can think about it and immediately go back to embodying the feeling of already having it, then you can think about it. The second you start thinking about what a bummer it is that you don’t have it, it’s time to let it go again.
Since this guide is all about attracting luck, we’ll look in more detail at exactly how to use this manifestation technique to manifest your own luck.

How to manifest luck
To manifest luck, you need to use the same manifestation technique that works for bringing anything you want into your life: visualize what you want, embody the feeling of having it, and let it go. We’ll go into much more detail and step-by-step instructions below so that you can put the law of attraction to work in your life immediately.
The most important thing to remember while you’re trying to manifest luck is that the law of attraction will respond to ANYTHING you put out there. The best thing you can do to become a good manifestor is to emit positive energy and maintain a positive mindset. If you emit negative energy, that’s what will come back to you. What goes around, comes around, as they say.
Here the most straightforward guide you have ever found to help you manifest good luck. If you’re hoping to get lucky over night, it’s time to master your manifesting skills – STAT.
Read More: How To Harness The Power Of The Full Moon For Manifestation
Visualize Being Lucky
The first step to manifesting luck is to visualize what your life would look like as a lucky person. How would your days be different? Where would you be waking up and going to sleep each day? Would you still have the same negative self-talk that you do now? Would you have lucky charms you like to carry around with you? Would you have different friends or a different job? How would having better luck change your day-to-day life? Get extremely specific about what being lucky would look like for you.
One great way to create a powerful visualization of what being lucky would look like for you is to create a vision board! A vision board can include photos, drawings, quotes, notes, patterns, and anything else that helps you to clarify what a luck-filled life would look like.
Embody What You Would Feel If You Were Lucky
If you were a lucky person. what would you feel like? Would you be more confident, more brave, more compassionate? What new positive things would you feel if you knew you had luck in everything you do? Go deep into your visualization until you start to feel like you’ve already become the luckiest person you know and allow yourself to exist in that reality for as long as you can. What would you say to people, what would you do with your time, how would you dress? And throughout it all, what do you feel?
Meditate on these feelings and go about your days as that version of yourself. Try to embody the lucky version of you.
One of the most effective strategies to go deep into creating a reality where you feel luck is to journal about it. Allow yourself to write freely about what it feels like to be a lucky person and always write in the present tense, as if it’s already happened.

Let It Go (Stay on a High Vibe)
Again, step 3 in manifestation is usually the hardest. Once you’ve embodied a lucky version of yourself, you have to stop obsessing over trying to get lucky. Stop thinking about your lack of luck. Stop trying to test the universe to see if it’s working yet. Keep your vibrations high by doing things you enjoy, spending time with positive people, and listening to uplifting music.
Here are a few helpful tips to help you let go and avoid obsessing over getting lucky:
Practice Gratitude
Gratitude is one of the most effective ways to change your mindset and snap yourself out of a negative spiral. It’s impossible to feel both negative and grateful at the same time. Use gratitude to switch gears if you start feeling sorry for yourself and to change your vibrations so that you’re not manifesting more negativity into your life.
Practice an Abundance Mindset
Adopting an abundance mindset takes time but it’s one of the most effective ways to become a powerful manifestor. If you keep thinking about how you’re not lucky, chances are part of you thinks that there is a finite amount of luck to go around and it’s already being used up by others. There is infinite luck, positivity, wealth, health, and abundance available in the universe.
Do Things That Make You Happy
Manifesting luck is all about maintaining a positive vibration that matches the vibration of good luck and attracts it into your life. Therefore, one of the best things you can do to attract luck is to do things that make you happy and raise your vibrations. If you’re feeling down and low, the chances of you getting your lucky break are very slim. Harness the full power of manifestation by getting up, getting out of the house, and doing things you love.
Avoid Energy Vampires
The manifestation process requires a lot of intentionally checking your vibe. Unfortunately, other humans play a big role in how we’re feeling. That’s why, while you’re in the process of manifesting luck, it’s important to avoid energy vampires who will feed off your positive energy and leave you feeling drained. You have to protect your energy with your life and take responsibility for how you’re feeling.
Use Good Luck Affirmations
Affirmations are a great tool to use when you need a little emotional boost. It can be challenging to keep your vibrations at a high frequency all day every day and using positive affirmations can help when it gets tough. Try using the good luck affirmations below to help you stay positive about your manifestation journey.
Good luck affirmations
Positive affirmations are statements that you use to incrementally change your subconscious thoughts and overcome limiting beliefs. You can use good luck affirmations any time you feel yourself slipping into a low-vibration mood and need a reminder that you are becoming luckier by the moment. Here is a list of some of the best good luck affirmations to use while you’re learning how to manifest luck:

I am becoming luckier every day.
I am a magnet for good things.
The universe knows what I want and wants to help me get it.
There is plenty of luck to go around.
Luck is abundant and I am open to receiving it.
I am open to new opportunities.
I am excited to see what’s coming to me.
My positive energy is a magnet for good luck.
I am my own good luck charm.
I am attuned to the energy of abundance so luck flows to me freely.
Final Thoughts ON manifesting Luck
It’s important to realize that we are manifesting our entire lives all the time. If you are a good intentional manifestor and you learn how to manifest positive things into your life with ease, you will feel like the luckiest person alive! If you want to learn how to manifest luck, it’s totally within your control to become a magnet for good things and become your own lucky charm.
*Good luck!*
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